1 : Neglected Wife

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There is a NGL link at the bottom section! Feel free to ask me questions and I'll try to answer them in my Instagram [@tomayaru] but please don't go overboard. There will be some messages I won't be answering because it's either too rude or uncomfortable. 


She gasped, it was her fifth pregnancy test stick, it wasn't a lie when she guessed her situation before the test, now here she is, staring at the small red line, sitting inside the luxurious bathroom alone.

Her husband has arrived home after his business trip to china ended. It took Kagura an hour to process the sudden news, she felt an overwhelming happiness blooming inside her.

She stroke her stomach tenderly as tears fell at the corners of her eyes, "Hi baby.. its me mommy, daddy's home now" she whispered.

She sighed, the sound of his footsteps became louder as he approach their bedroom, clenching her hands in nervousness, she patiently waited for her husband.

The door opened revealing Hayabusa, he appeared tired and exhausted but Kagura didn't notice his appearance and started the conversation.

"Can we talk outside?" She said, Hayabusa quietly nodded, hoping to end the day quickly.

She fidget her hands and paced back and forth, her husband on the other hand grew impatient "I'm preg-!" Kagura said courageously as she held her hand, waiting for his answer "Enough, I'm tired" says Hayabusa, looking at her with his cold, emotionless eyes.

"O-oh then.. I'm s-sorry to disturb you I guess I'll be on my way" she was flustered, embarrassment crept on to her yet she showed him the same expression as his, it was no use, she thought, her body felt numb.

The scene was beautiful but the answer wasn't, she thought that today was the perfect time for her to soften their harsh relationship, the calm water was filled with sad tears, the atmosphere echoes the girl's broken feelings.

The bridge was her only support not only is her feelings but their relationship as well hit the cold, hard bottom.

He acted like nothing happened, like a casual day 'how foolish....' he thought, he had more errands to do, his wife took most of his time. It wasn't long after he became her clan's leader, as the head, the pressure was intense for his pampered wife.

Day by day they continue to drift apart, their love that took long to revive began to fade.

The bedroom was eerie and lonely, Kagura sighed, she thought to herself how she should be used to such treatment yet no matter how long she tolerate it, it would never be familiar to her.

Rubbing her stomach gently, she whispered "Baby.. daddy's busy" tears form at the edge of her eyes.

Hayabusa left without saying a word, Kagura choose to reside in Iga where her parents' remains. No one in their village knew where he is currently traveling which saddens Kagura even more.

She sighed, holding her umbrella tightly, winter has passed since her husband's disappearance, Kagura bitterly laughed as she remembered her deceased mother, all those people who gave her good memories, also left her depressing memories as well.

The vivacious sound of cheers crowded her head, averting her attention.

She was at a new year's festival, wearing her fine yet detailed silk yukata with her light makeup on, attracted almost every people she came across with. They were not wrong for calling her a living beauty but this so called beauty can do nothing but frown.

Seeing as how couples show their affection to each other, families eating together, it is only a simple wish of hers that would never be fulfilled but she had it all.. the luxury, a mansion, being a heiress of a well-known clan yet she didn't care for any of those things nor wish for them.

As the countdown starts, she decided to start anew with her emotions "4.. 3... 2.." Kagura stopped.

She listened carefully, fireworks exploded at the skies, people cheering and laughing.

For Kagura the sound she heard was a familiar one, she stayed alert when as she overhear crashing. Kagura quickened her paced and head straight through the forest.

She couldn't be more sure of it, hearing his voice again made her heart jumped, the day she waited the most finally came.

Kagura gasped at sight of his blood, it seems she saw him at a wrong time.

Struggling, the hitman was pinned by Hayabusa's sword, seeing the situation to his advantage Hayabusa swiftly shoved the sword to the man's neck.

Kagura wanted to run away but her legs trembled as she watched in horror, the man's head was no longer there, she felt a sharp pain inside.

"Ouch!" A feminine voice utter, it was hushed but it was enough for her husband to hear.

"Ha-Haya! Help" Kagura stuttered, the small woman staggered, she didn't know what to do as blood was dripping on her clothes.

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