3: Guilt and Contempt

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They called, the distressed faces of rigid men came into his view, "Any news from those bastards?" His aloof voice brought shivers to his comrades.

Used to his superior's curt behavior, the captain of the team saluted him with diligence, "Commander, the president orders you to attend the dinner as his right hand man, sir" he said, as he summarised the contents of the letter, Alucard couldn't help but laugh at the word order.

Alucard wore his mischievous grin, his team can do nothing but clench their lips, they knew that this current president doesn't know who he is dealing  "That old man must be planning something" he groaned in frustration yet his actions were in contrast to his smile, what kind of havoc will he cause today? His men prayed silently for the naive old man.

The spoken man- the president knew well about his detached personality, yet he continued to put his name on the guest list, unless something must have happened.

He smirked, there wasn't anything for him to do, so he decided to play along by the old man's game.

"Report to him that I will be attending"

"Yes, yes?" Shock was written on their faces, shrugging his broad shoulders nonchalantly Alucard walked away without any care.

The corners of his lips curved upwards as he swept his hair up, the sight of mansion came into his sight "Alucard! You're just in time for lunch!" Anyone would've flinched upon hearing her, it was quite a loud voice for a short woman like Ruby, her son on the other hand seemed used to his mother's daily antics.

"Here, let me" he handled the boy with ease, she sighed, Ruby debated whether it is a good time for him to know but the sooner it is the better.

"Alucard" she started, her lips quiver as she gulped, Ruby trembled in fear, Alucard quickly noticed and dismissed their conversation.

"Let's talk later" his stern voice echoed inside the spacious living room "No, let's discuss this now." Ruby refused to surrender. Its now or never she thought, a busy person like Alucard would not spent his precious time even if she is special to him.

He submitted his defeat, handing her son to the nearest maid, they proceed their talk inside his office.

"Speak" he stared at her, she couldn't get used to his piercing gaze "He knows" she looked down, tears began to form, she hated to be seen crying especially by those who are important to her yet she had no strength to complete with her pride.

"Hey.." Alucard touched her cheeks lightly, her red tinted face showed her clear embarrassment "It's fine, you're gonna be fine... trust me, I will always protect you and Ruth" he hugged her until she finally broke down.

"He- he wants to take him back, I- I cant! My son is the only family I have" she stuttered yet she managed to say the words kept hidden in her heart "Ruby, no one will take anything from you, just trust me" his voice turned soft.

Alucard gently stroke her golden hair, Ruby fainted due to stress, her tears took no effect on him. His eyes turned dark. His attention was placed on her red eye patch.

Ruby lost her other eye because of his reckless actions, Alucard clenched his jaw, his veins can be seen.

Alucard glared down at the sleeping woman, she was the very reason why Miya hated him so.

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