7 : Escape or Enslave

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"We're here to proudly announce that the war with smilidons are over!" The crowd cheered and whistled

"My son- Prince Valir would be marrying Princess Irithel after his coming of age ceremony" the king raised his hands, nodding at his people's cheers

Satisfied, he ended the announcement "Where's my son?" The king dropped his formalities and his smile "He's at his room, sir" his butler bowed

The queen beside him became uneasy of her husband's sudden change "He needs some time dear... let him be" his wife held her husband's hand trying to intertwine it with hers which he gladly did the same

"I know, but Carmilla my love he's been like that for a week" The king sighed and massage his temples "Cecilion, give him some time" Carmilla said

Cecilion knew that this is gonna led into an argument if he kept going, his wife's already losing her patience "Fine" he sighed once again

"I said I dont want to" Valir's shout can be heard along with loud vases breaking, Cecilion stomped his way, Carmilla tried to stop him but Cecilion was far of her reach

Cecilion entered inside only to find a furious blond "Valir calm your self!" The king shouted and shut the door closed "Why? You've control me for my whole life, don't expect me to listen to you again" out of anger he threw a vase at the wall

"This is for our people, why can't you understand it" Cecilion growled, the prince let out a scoff "People? More like yourself! You're only doing this to keep your precious self safe, heck! You don't even care for your own son!" He yelled back

"We both know what Vale did to our kingdom"

"Here you go again! Blaming Vale, he's only doing that to save our people, because of him we're close in winning against those fucking smilidons" he spat

"He betrayed our kingdom!"

"That's your reason? Because of that you almost executed him?"

Cecilion loose all his patience, he pushed Valir to the wall and grip his son's shirt "You're marrying her and that's final" he ended

No matter what he does or what he says, he still remains as his brother's substitute just like how an old saying goes- always have a heir and a spare. Being in someone else's shadow was never him to begin with.

"Dammit!" Valir cursed all day, he didn't care if his throat were to hurt, he couldn't even count all the swear words he shouted.

Then an idea pop in his mind "I know I have to escape" he said, his throat dry from all the yelling he did. As a free young man he is, he had a great knowledge about his family's palace, he knew it inside and out

It was midnight and he was in the secret garden "Valir?" Someone called making Valir turn around "Mother?" His eyes wandered, his mother was nowhere in sight, he sighed "I'm hallucinating am I?" He questioned himself.

"No you're not son" the sight of his mother- Carmilla can be seen at a near distance "Mother, what are you doing here?" He asked hiding his bag

"Hurry before they come.." Carmilla grabbed Valir's hand and began running towards the deck "Mother where are we going?" He ask again yet his mother didn't utter a single word

They stopped at their destination, his eyes widen in realization. If his mother were to be involved in his scheme not only will she lose her face but her head as well "Son, please remember this, go to the south and you'll find your brother" she clench her lips til they're pallid, tears forming in her eyes


Before he can finish, she pushed him to the teleportation machine "Mother!" He yelled with all his voice left "I love you son" those were her last words to him before she hastily operated it open with a heavy heart

"Please take care of him" she whispered, the machine became controlled, Valir couldn't move an inch

"Mother... why?" He sobbed, this is the last time he could ever see his dear mother alive even if she is the kingdom's beloved queen no one can escape the harsh punishment of treason.

 why?" He sobbed, this is the last time he could ever see his dear mother alive even if she is the kingdom's beloved queen no one can escape the harsh punishment of treason

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Zilong froze at his position, his main focus was to immediately find Freya yet the image of her death kept slipping at his mind. How could he let his friend die? He felt like a sinner trapped in prison

A coughing blonde man kneel in front of him, his clothes were distinct and unfamiliar to those he often see. The mysterious man fainted, Zilong tied him real tight in order for him not to escape as he must be a spy from the enemy.

"Commander, a mysterious figure has appeared at our base, it seems he is not from our land" he reported, raising Alucard curiosity

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