6 : No More Hiding

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Gussion felt numb, the words she uttered passed inside his ear in and out "Lesley.. this isnt funny" his tone became cold, even if it is a harmless prank, to him that joke was a sensitive issue to begin with especially the obstacles they have to overcome in order to keep their engagement intact. Lesley was silent, she looked tired and exhausted, something bad must have happened, if she can deal with his crap then this problem might be terrible.

Worry painted his face, now that he looked closely, she seemed distressed "Hey... what's wrong?" He gently stroke her hair as if another soul possess him, Gussion never intended to change the topic, he is the type to get straight to the point but his fiance's health is the main priority here. She shook her head lightly refusing his touch, her uncooperative behavior was testing his patience bit by bit.

"Fine, just tell me if you're ready" he sighed, Lesley's eyes' widen not because of his actions but at the rare opportunity slipping by her fingertips, she wanted to get away from him with no strings attached "Gussion, lets not fool ourselves anymore.. I've tried to love you I did but no matter how hard I tried I.. I.. just cant bring myself to love you" her tears fell endlessly

He stood there confused, he couldnt stand the sight of her sobbing maybe he is just too much for her handle, no matter how much he change it wasnt enough for her, at the end of the day he's just a problematic child with no one to turn to. He's a heartless bastard who doesnt deserve love. The only thing he can do for her is to let her go, loving him is a painful punishment, even his mother gave up

Although he knew he still let her love him, this must be the price of his greed.

"Give me a month then I'll agree with the whatever you want" his whisper sounded weak compared to his figure, it didn't take long for Lesley to catch his mumbles, as expected her face lit with excitement, his brows furrowed at her reaction 

Its obvious she wanted to break away from him.

"Gussion! I don't have enough time in this world for you!" A shout interrupted their conversation making Gussion frown deeper, a young silver haired lad appeared annoyed as he impatiently tapped his finger, Gussion really wanted to skip this day

Every hours that passed the more complicated matters get.

"Hurry up already!" The boy didn't hide nor remove his scowl in front of Gussion, anyone would quiver in fear at the sight of his glare even Lesley felt shivers down her spine.

"What brings you here Dyrroth?" The brunette said, he disheveled his waxed hair and loosen his tie, there is no need to be formal around Dyrroth anyway especially with his blunt personality

"Get her out first"

"Why? She's my fiance" Gussion argues, he knows its a private matter but Gussion didn't like his uninvited guest's rude remark, 'So what? I don't give a shit' is the look Dyrroth has on his charming face, as if on cue Lesley cut her fiance off

"Don't worry, I'm about to sleep after this" she stood up and walked out, Lesley decided to remain away with her fiance's affairs, the lesser she knows the better.

"Good" he glance at Lesley then to Gussion before taking his seat and placed his dirty Prada boots up on the table, Dyrroth isn't an idiot to not notice the atmosphere between the two but its their problem not his

"Spill it." The brunette said standing still, Dyrroth felt frustrated at the situation, Gussion's head hang low, looking down at him like his a pig in need of food from his owner

"Tsk.. I want you to find Ruby"


"She has my child"

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