8 : Captured Alive

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"Very well, take him to me once your mission is over" Alucard commanded, Zilong bit his lips in hesitation "I'll have someone send him to you" the brunette added "No, I want you bring him here, you're the only person I trust, if you want to stay because of Freya drop it. Dont let your personal feelings get the best of you" Alucard sneered


"I received an information that she will be returning soon" Alucard cut him off bitterly leaving Zilong torn in confusion, he couldn't just simply moved on by living happily with his fiance while his friend is missing. Alucard wouldn't care about Freya but what about Miya? His fiance as well as Alucard ex-girlfriend

After his commander hang up, Zilong stared at Valir, he observed him up and down, this man in front of him isn't just someone, he seems to be of noble blood. According to his latest intel, in Agetla Drylands, it is custom for royalty to wear a red silk robe as their formal attire as red symbolizes the rich color of blood.

If the expensive fabric wasn't enough to announce his status, he was adorned with countless of gold and diamonds. Zilong groaned, frustrated that he will have to deal with another brat. He rolled his eyes and dragged Valir inside his quarters

Ruby fought hard to withstand her fatigue, raising Ruth has been hard for her these days, as the little boy grow older the more he became aware of his surroundings, he knew he doesn't have a father but it does not change the fact he longs for it

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Ruby fought hard to withstand her fatigue, raising Ruth has been hard for her these days, as the little boy grow older the more he became aware of his surroundings, he knew he doesn't have a father but it does not change the fact he longs for it.

Ruth kept on insisting her that she couldn't take it anymore, Ruby sighed and grabbed her toothbrush. The mirror reflected her current appearance; palid dry skin, tired eyes and pale lips, but even if she were to age her beauty will never fade.

Ruby glared at her favorite scented candle as its wax melted off, buying another set would be a good excuse to go out, all she needs to do is make a  convincing lie. Alucard is busy handling his work, Ruth is playing with his nanny.

Ruby took her car keys with her after she informed Alucard "Ruth! Want to go shopping with mommy?" She asked, the little boy tilted his head before nodding, Ruby grew worried, her son's way of thinking exceeds beyond his age, no matter what it is as long as he wants it, he would do what it takes to have it like his father, Ruth gave her an innocent smile and that was enough to give Ruby the relief she needed.

"Dont worry I already informed him about this"

His nanny nodded and packed Ruth's necessities. Ruby hoped she doesn't see him nor he would see them.

Little Ruth notice his mother's distress actions, her eyes kept looking at the same direction and her hands were fidgeting, his mother would usually do that if ever they went outside.

He decided to buy the candle himself so that he won't be a burden, when Ruby rush to the clothing section for little kids, Ruth took the opportunity to head off. He frowned the shelf which store his mother's favorite scented candles were sold out, he assumed that this type weren't the best selling one because of its expensive price.

"What's taking you so long?! Just buy those crappy candles, for a secretary you sure are slow!" a man shouted but stopped, Ruth's eyes widen in shock so is the stranger "What the fuck-" Dyrroth cursed, the little boy looked exactly like him except his eyes and nose but nevertheless its like seeing his little self

Ruby gasped at the situation, when Ruth went missing, she was alarmed something was wrong yet here she is having an unexpected family reunion.

She wanted ran away, the shock she is experiencing overwhelmed her, she couldn't take it anymore, it was just too much to handle.



Dyrroth and Ruth tried to soothe Ruby, she collapsed on the floor, hardly breathing at all. The usual rough Dyrroth became as gentle as a lamb when he first saw Ruby "Shit. Get a hold of yourself!" He weakly patted her back and assisted her to stand up.

Ruth didn't know what to do and lightly stroke Ruby's hand with his, it didn't occur to him the presence of his father, all the little boy cares is his mother's health.

How much has she suffered and experience to be in this state? That is what both Ruth and Dyrroth thought.

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