2 : Unexpected Birth

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"Ha.. Ha.." kagura gasp "Hayabusa!" she shouted "Are you all right?" he examined Kagura from head to toe, he touched her gently as if she was a fragile porcelain doll.

"The baby! Save -" before she could finish her words she collapsed, her plead snapped him out of his trance, Hayabusa carried his wife, being careful and rash at the same time.

He felt like a fool, an idiot, a bastard. They were right, he doesn't deserve her, no matter how many achievements he earned, it wouldn't hide the fact that he left his struggling wife all alone without any care.

The ride towards the hospital grew intense, Kagura's fainting breath alarmed his senses. He grit his teeth in frustration as pressed the gas pedal hard, putting his all just to arrive at the nearest hospital he could find.

Hours has passed and his wife condition seemed to be getting better, he was lucky enough to find a hospital nearby.

Heaving a light sigh, Hayabusa forced himself to think although seeing his wife peacefully resting in the hospital bed send him relief, he couldn't stop himself from questioning everything, the poor man barely blink at the thought of losing her once more.

"Hayabusa-kun!" Hanabi shouted, earning a short scolding from the nurses.

"What happened? Is she alright? Where is the baby?" She hastily asked, before the worried woman could barged inside his wife's room, he grabbed her hand tightly.

"Don't" Hayabusa glance at Hanabi, his tired plea did no effect on her after all he was the source of Kagura's agony "No, I want to see her" she steadied her stance, her stubborness slip into his nerves,  both received notorious glares from each other.

"Get out of here." Hayabusa ordered, he couldn't care less if she is his wife's friend, the only thing he wants is to give Kagura the rest she needs.

Hanabi on the other hand didn't listen "Where were you all this time?" She criticize. Hanabi couldn't afford to be reckless as the woman tried to hold back her harsh words.

If they weren't in a hospital she would've hit that arrogant face hard, but doing so would only add to Kagura's stress.

Hanabi pressed her lips as she stared at her friend's pale face and dried tears.

"Hey, let go of her" a low yet raspy voice spoke, the murderous charisma made Hayabusa uneasy as the Hanzo's sapphire eyes glowed dangerously.

Hayabusa swat Hanabi's hand away, submitting his defeat to the unexpected guest, it wasn't his favourite thing do but he didn't want his Kagura to be invovled in a commotion, the last thing he wants was to gave her more trouble than before.

At least that would be the case, if the baby were to be alive.

"Gusion!" Lesley giggled, the sight of her fiance brought her long drained energy back, the long previous meetings she had ruined her day

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"Gusion!" Lesley giggled, the sight of her fiance brought her long drained energy back, the long previous meetings she had ruined her day.

"Haven't I told you to be careful" he warned as he skillfully catch Lesley, the young brunette nervously check his fiance, afraid that her stitch might unraveled, his smile faded as soon as he saw the fresh deep wound painting her porcelain skin.

"I'm fine! Come on! I want to show you something" she noticed his change of attitude and swiftly led him to a room unfamiliar to him, as if she is in a hurry, the pink haired woman would clumsily trip from time to time which frightened Gusion even more.

"Slow down" he chuckled, trying to ease Lesley.

Ignoring his words, she stopped. Her hands lose its colour as she clenched the door knob, her heart would burst at any moment.

"Lesley.. what is all this?" His body shook violently at the documents neatly placed in his table, he knew what those are, back to back, it was no mistake as it is the very same ones he used to throw at her.

"My debt is paid, now let's break it off"


"Our engagement- let's split up"

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