The Sharpest Lives

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Hey you guys so idk if its good or anything but if it is message me, comment, or vote and ill keep updating. I need some ideas too for the next chapter, so if you can help thnx.

I was running as hard as I could. I was trying to get as far away from the truth that had just been told to my face. He didn’t want me at all. I finally heard it come from his lips. “I’m not interested anymore. I’ve lost the feeling. There’s nothing here anymore.” It’s like his words had been written in black sharpie to my brain. I couldn’t shake the feeling off that it had come to an end. This relationship, all my dreams for him and me, ruined.

As I ran around the corner from Melrose Ave. to N June St. I fell hard. To make it worse I had fallen on my knees to some all black, converse covered feet. I must have stayed there in their way for too long because he gripped my arm and pulled me up. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, embarrassed to have someone see me cry. As I murmured an unheard sorry I moved left and tried to walk past the character. Unfortunately, he didn’t move.

“Wait. You’re hurt and crying are you okay?” His voice was deep but youthful. It felt comforting and full of concern.

“It’s just a scratch. I’ll be okay. Why would you care anyways?” I tried to make a witty response, but clearly I had failed.

“Uhh, ‘cause we go to the same school. And that isn’t just a scratch you’re wound is bleeding, dirty, and you look like you need to talk with someone.”

It was only until then that I decided to look at him. It took me about 5 seconds to realize that he was much taller than I thought and had to look up at him just to meet his eyes. When our eyes did meet I was surprised at how soft, honest, and concerned they looked like.  I took a few steps backward to get a full look of his face and realized that I had seen him before in the hallways. In fact he was in all my classes.

He was the new kid. Although I didn’t necessarily know him, I knew he was the Goth kid. The guy that always sat at the back of class, dressed in dark colors, looked mad all the time, and hung out in dark alleys. He never came near my group and I never went near his.

My first instinct was to excuse myself and go to my house, but it was apparent that he wasn’t going to let that happened. He took my arm and practically dragged me to the back of what I guessed was his house. When I got there I was surprised to see him go inside a blue and green tree house and come out with a first aid kit. He led me over to a lawn chair and made me sit. As soon as I was down he kneeled in front of me and started to examine my knee.

“So, why exactly where you running in the middle day like someone was chasing you?”

“Look, sorry, but it’s none of your business. You don’t even know me, except for the fact that we share the same classes and live on the same street.”

“Okay. Harsh. But you know what I do know you. We went to the same elementary school all the way up to the third grade. I guess you never remembered me but they used to call me Danny back then.”

I blinked twice before a bunch of memories flooded bacl to me. “Wait, you mean to say that you are Danny from my elementary school. The one who used to bring a cupcake every day to school and share it with me when I wouldn’t bring lunch? Or would bring a different animal for the class show and tell every time? You mean to tell me that you’re the Danny who had the blonde hair and showed me how to ride my first bike? You where my best friend when no one else was? Are you saying that you are that Danny?”


“Why didn’t you come up to me and tell me who you were. You know I would have been more than delighted to be your friend and show you everything and just catch up.”

“Well I tried but when they introduced me front of class and I saw you, I knew you wouldn’t remember me at all. And in any case why try I had started going by my first name Varen and you just wouldn’t remember that.”

When I looked up at him now, I saw the eyes that I had looked at when I was young. But other than that, everything had changed. He died his hair black, grown it out. He was muscular but not bulky. He definitely wasn’t the 7 year old kid I used to know he seemed more mature and understanding. Overall he looked like he been through a lot and that he had suffered some.

I found myself reaching up for his face and feeling it to see if he was real. As soon as the realization hit my tears over flooded with more tears and I was crying again. He reached for my face and whipped the tears and laughed his contagious laugh, the one that no matter what always made me feel better.

“Why you cry pretty eyes?” The sentence didn’t even leave his lips before I had tackled him with a big bear hug, and were on the floor laughing. Soon enough he pinned me down to the ground and stared down at me.

“Hahaha. Just like old time you remember?”

“Yeah. You could always pin me down 10 seconds flat. How can I forget that you hurt me all the time?”

“Aw, I never even tried. You’re just so small and weak.”

“No I wasn’t. I was the only one who would play with you. So give some credit, I had to endure quite a lot of bruises.”

“Fine but I never really tried my best you know.”



“Fine then, so why you come back? Why are you suddenly here and not at Maine?”

“Uggghhh, let’s just say that since I left in the third grade I changed and then finally hit rock bottom. I got expelled from my high school in Maine just about five months ago and had to enroll here ‘cause let’s just say that stuff happened. And I came back to finish some things that I left undone before.”

“Why you get expelled?” I wanted to ask more but I could tell that he wasn’t going to answer that question.

“So know are you going to explain to me why you were running like some serial killer was just chasing you?”

I remembered what had just happened less than an hour ago and fresh tears threatened my eyes, but I held strong. “No I’m stupid, it’s just that my boyfriend… I mean my ex broke up with me. We were together for two years and he just left me crying at the pep rally in front of everyone. I felt so humiliated.” In fact I felt humiliated just telling him this because I thought he would see me as a wimp. Actually I was wrong because he pulled me into his arms and said, “Who the freaking hell would do this to you? Who is he? What’s his name and how he look like? You said you were at the pep rally?” He started to get up so suddenly and started to climb up the tree house.

“What are you doing? Varen, where are you going?!’’

“I’m gonna go fuck him up! That bastard broke your heart and I’m not gonna let him get away knowing that he did that to you!” He came down with a baseball bat in his right hand and his left was all clenched up that his knuckles were white.

“Varen, you can’t do that. It won’t even be worth it. He’s the schools quarter back anyways and can hurt you. Trust me I’ve seen what he can do to a guy and it ain’t pretty, okay. So just calm down and put the bat away.”

"Fine." My phone began making loud screams and i quickly answered it.

"Hey mom wassup?" I heard tears in the background and an soft mumbling. "Mom whats happening? Whats wrong?"

"Its your sister, Nerreza. Leilah you have to come home now."

"What mom? Why?" She hung up on me and as soon as she did a vision came rushing to me.

I was in a room with white walls and dark blood splattered an them. In the center of the room was a dead body. Nerreza. I bad feeling came to me and I quickly went to the gate.

"Varen, sorry i have to go. I'll call you later."

"What? Whay? Whats going on? Leilah wait, tell me whats wrong!"

I left running from his house, Varen running behind me, calling my name. I drowned him out with only two things and a million questions on my mind. One, Nerreza, my twin sister was dead. And two, what the hell just happened, I had a vision of my sister being dead like i was there at the scene. I instantly knew my life had changed and i couldn't tell anyone.

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