what the hell is up wit Varen

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Sry jst a filter chappie. kinda sucks. uploud tmrw ;)

Leilah POV

            Is it ok to say that I actually liked the look he had when I caught him? Maybe not, but this bitch was gonna pay for the fuckn face he gave me. Its so not cool that he took advantage of my blind time to do this to me. I grabbed his shirt collar and looked into his eyes. They had just changed color to a vibrant light blue. I saw the fear I was inflicting on him and felt it too. I didn’t know what was happening but Varen changed into a dark figure with no face and haunting black drapes. I guess you could say he kind of looked like the dementors from Harry Potter, but this was different. This was real.

I stumbled backwards and fell on butt. New form Varen hovered a few feet on top of me. Without a much thought I got up and ran deeper into the woods. Damn I was half scared the shit out of me. I found a good tree to climb and went as far up as I could. I was sitting on a branch trying to catch my breath. Hoping that Varen wasn’t actually like the dementors in the movie.

“You know Leilah, we are quite like them. We’re just, how do you put it, more advanced.” I felt his breath on my right ear and instantly chilled up. I don’t know why I was having this reaction. I mean I was having visions and strange things were happening. Not to mention what I saw in that vision earlier in my bedroom.

“Yea, by the way what did you see in your bedroom earlier.”

“What da fuck? You can read my thoughts?”

“Comes with being a sharp one you know.” I was always heard that term around the house. Especially when my parents were discussing important things. I knew what the sharp ones were. I just never thought that Varen would be one.

I looked to where he sat in the tree. His eyes were a bright green like mine. They looked really good that color. I wondered why I couldn’t read his thoughts since I was a sharp one too.

“You have to grow into it. You started off with visions. It won’t be long before the next power develops.”

“Well that’s good to know. In few weeks I’ll be able to kick your small ass.”

“Yea, but you love my ass.” He grinned so hard at this that I had to laugh.

“Varen, why are you so conceited about your body?”

“I’m not conceited. Just confident.”

“Yea, like I believe that. You’re so insecure you were actually afraid of me.” With that I got of the branch and landed on the ground. I walked back to my house Varen hot at my heels. When I got to my room I was instantly pinned to my door by Varen. The next thing he did shocked the complete mother fuckn shit out of me.

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