Chapter Three

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a/n: Kind of a longer chapter. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading!

☾Chapter Three☽

She had hit the ground with a loud thud that would've killed anyone else if she had not already been dead. It was dark, darker than she had ever seen. Her nose filled with a foul smell and she realized she was in some sort of liquid. She stood up from the rushing, foul-smelling water and looked around her. She seemed to be in some sort of tunnel system. She began walking forward toward the only source of light she could see. Beside it stood a ladder. Above the ladder she saw what she believed to be an exit to wherever she was at.

She had to get home soon, for her ball was probably about to begin. She gripped the ladder and pulled herself out of the rushing liquid below her. When she reached the top of the ladder, she attempted pushing on the heavy exit above her, but it wouldn't budge.

"Help me!" She yelled, hoping whatever was through the exit could hear her. "Please, someone help me! Help!" She continued to yell, continuing to try to push the heavy object above her. She didn't want to be stuck in the foul smelling tunnels any longer. She wished she would've never ran away from her mother.

"Please! Someone help me!" She screams, feeling panic rise within her chest.

She felt herself step on her dress and cause her foot to slip off the ladder. Her mistake had caused her to fall into the foul-smelling liquids once more. She came back up above the water, coughing. It felt as if she needed air when she went under water. It was strange because any other time she never needed air. She looked down at her hand to see it bleeding actual blood. A long gash was stretched across the inside of her hand, blood steadily seeping out of it.

"How is that possible?" She whispered to herself. She had never bled in Halloween town. She brought her hands up to her face and felt for her stitches, only to realize her skin was smooth like she had always imagined it to be. Her stitches had disappeared.

The entrance above her began to open. She looked up, perhaps someone had come back for her from the ball.

"God that stinks." She heard a voice say. "Hello! I heard screaming! Is there anybody down there?" The voice echoes through the tunnels.

"I'm right here!" Amber says, struggling to get to her feet due to the rushing water surrounding her. It threatened to push her back over but she held onto the ladder.

"Are you hurt?" She hears the voice ask from above.

"I think so!" She yells back, her voice tinted with amazement. She had never been hurt before. Her hand stung where the gash had claimed it as its own.

"Can you make it up the ladder?" The voice yells down once again.

"Yes, I think I can!" She says, gripping the rusty ladder and attempting to climb up it again. Her hand continued to sting, but she managed to make her way back to the top. She was careful not to let her dress cause her to slip once more.

She looks up to see a boy, perhaps a little older than her, looking down at her with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks, helping pull her out of the small hole.

"I don't know." She whispers, trying to calm the panic within her chest. "Where am I?" She asks, sitting down next to the hole and the boy while looking around at the dark alleyway surrounding her.

"New York City." He says, closing the hole back up with the heavy-looking circular object.

The name did not sound familiar. The boy's eyes came back to look at her. He stood up from his crouched position and looked down at her confusedly. He stood tall, lanky and quite skinny. He wore red sneakers, old jeans and a gray jacket. His warm brown eyes is it what caught her attention.

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