Chapter Four

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a/n: I don't really like this chapter :/ it's short and not my favorite, but I am hoping to write more of Amber and Sam in the next chapter which should be better!! ❤️

☾Chapter Four☽

"Sally, how could you have let her out of your sight for God's sake? I mean honestly, woman! Our little girl is missing and no one has no idea where she has gone!

Sally sits on the couch, her hands cupped over her face as she shakes her head. "Jack, please." She says, looking up at her husband. "We must try to stay calm. Perhaps she didn't want to attend the ball, you know she doesn't like being around large groups of creatures. It makes her nervous and gives her terrible migraines. Zero is tracking her scent, he will find her!"

Jack sighs. "What did we do wrong in raising her to make her not even want to attend her 16th birthday shindig? I am just so worried about her, Sal."

Sally sighs as well. "Perhaps we have sheltered her too much. She's always wondered if there was more than just Halloween town. On the bright side, the whole town is looking for her. Soon Zero will have caught her scent and she will be found. They should be back any minute, I am sure of it. It's not like she can die, dear. We are all already dead."

"True, but I am just afraid she's found her way out of Halloween town and into the world of the living. It will overwhelm her! No one will be nice to her or take care of her there, Sally. You know how I managed to go there in the past. My blood runs in her veins. I am sure she is capable of going there as well." Jack says, coming over to sit by Sally. His bony body causes the couch to slightly sink. He rests his head on her shoulder.

"What am I doing just sitting here? I am going to go look for her!" He says, the restless skeleton getting up almost as soon as he sits down. "You stay here in case she returns home." He says kissing Sally's cheek and making his way to the door. Just as he opens it, he is met face to face with Dr. Finkelstein and Zero. Jack's stomach would've dropped if he had had one at the looks on their faces.

"Jack, it brings me much pain to say that Zero was unable to locate her by her scent." Dr. Finkelstein says, his fear for his missing granddaughter growing by the moment.  Zero whimpers and sadly bows his head.

Jack brings his hand to his chest as realization sets in on him. His daughter was lost to the world of the living. That was the only option left. Sally is instantly at his side, looking up at him to see what their next move was to find their daughter.

"I must find her among the world of the living. That is the only other place she could've went." Jack says, his voice filled with determination.

Dr. Finkelstein shakes his head. "She could be anywhere among the living, Jack. It could take months or even years to find her."

Sally gasps. "No! My precious girl! How could have I let her out of my sight!"

"Sally, my sweet daughter. Jack will find her, no matter how long it may take." Dr. Finkelstein says, trying to comfort his distressed daughter.

"Sally, do not worry. I shall take Zero with me and we shall find our sweet Amber. Isn't that right boy?!" Jack says and Zero happily barks.

"Sally, you may stay with me while Jack searches for her. I do not want you to go mad in this colossal house all by yourself." Dr.Finkelstein says and Sally nods, holding her hand against her forehead in a stressed manner.

"Zero," Jack begins, "We begin our search tonight!"

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