Chapter 1

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Ruby's POV:

I always wonder what's it like to have someone who cares about you other than gives you beatings. Right now, I am laying on the floor of my small room crying out my eyes after the beating I just got from my father for not having dinner ready for the pack.

I don't know what hurts more getting beatings every day or have your pack laugh at you as you're getting them. That's what just happen, my father had half of the pack standing in my room while he was beating me.

The only good thing that comes after these beatings is I get to see the doctor. She is the only one that talks to me and tries to make me feel better. I see her as my one and only friend in this hell I call a pack. I guess I do know what's it's like to have someone who cares for you.

There was a knock at the door and I was in too much pain to get up to answer it, so I just told the person on the other side of it to come in. It was Dr. Hale, she ran over to me.

"Oh god Ruby, I can't keep seeing you go through this." She said with worry in her voice.

"You learn to live with it, Dr. Hale," I said through each breath I took.

"Let me check to see if anything is broken."

I just nodded my head because it was starting to get hard to breathe. She pressed down on my ribs which cause me to scream out in pain.

"It hurt so much!"

"You have some broken ribs, I'm going to lift you up and take you to the infirmary."

She counted to 3 and lift me up, I tried my best to not cry because I knew if I did my father would just come back or he would send my sister or brother. I don't think my body can take any more beatings. Ten years of getting them and now I think my body is tired and want to give up.

Once we got to the infirmary she laid me on the bed and started doing her job. I wasn't sure what she was doing because I kept going in and out of conscious. The last words I heard were stay with me it's going to be okay.


I woke up to the sound I'm used to hearing, hospital machines beeping and no one else here but me. You would think I was sick or something because I stay in the hospital so much, but werewolves don't get sick.

"Finally, you're awake." I heard a voice say.

I looked around to see it was Dr. Hale talking to me. I nodded my head at her because my throat was dry and sore.

"Let me get you some water." She said before running off.

She came back within seconds with four bottles of water. I drank three out of the four bottles and laid back down on the bed.

After that beating, I got from my father I told myself I would never use my voice again. My voice only seems to make the beatings worst, because I cry for him to stop and that's just a sign of telling him to keep going.

"Ruby, how are you feeling?" Dr. Hale asked me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and looked anywhere but at her. I know she is the only one that cares for me, but I don't want to get her in trouble. My father would have her killed if he knew she was sitting here talking to me.

"Come on Ruby say something to me." She begged.

I made a hand signal asking for a pen and paper. She walked off and came back with a note pad and pen. It took me a minute to think about if I really want this to be the way I communicate, I started writing.

"I feel okay Dr. Hale. Thanks for helping me again." I passed her the pad.

"Ruby I know you can talk will you please use your voice to speak to me."

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