( 𝟎𝟎𝟐 ) first day of school

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'wolf moon'


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ALYSSA DREADED THE day ahead of her, she had to go to school for the first time after six years of being homeschooled by Laura and Derek.
Derek found out that the new alpha had bitten someone last night, so Alyssa was on a mission to find out who the newly bitten kid was.

After finding one half of Laura's body, Alyssa and Derek didn't know what to think. But they were both used to losing family by now, although, it didn't make it any easier.
The two had buried her upper half on the side of their house, surrounded by wolfsbain. Neither of them had cried, or shown any emotion, they couldn't let it get to them. They had a mission to do.

Alyssa headed towards a bench that was placed in front of the school, where she was supposed to wait for the principal to collect her and bring her to her first lesson.
She used to go to school six years ago, she also had a lot of friends, that is until she had to move away with Derek and Laura after the house fire.

Alyssa was sitting on the bench, admiring her painted nails, when she felt a presence next to her. She turned to the brunette girl, who gave her a smile and introduced herself.
"Hi, are you new too?" She asked, then shook her head quickly, "Wait... No, of course you are or you wouldn't be sat out here. Sorry, I'm rambling, my name's Allison. Allison Argent."

Alyssa froze as the girl spoke her last name, Argent. As in the hunters that burned her house down and killed her entire family. She forced a smile onto her face, not wanting to give anything away, in case this girl knew anything about her family.
"Alyssa." She greeted, shaking the girl's hand, she made sure not to mention her last name, "I'm new too."

Allison's smile grew wider, "Since we now know each other, do you wanna hang out at lunch?" She asked, eagerly.

Alyssa had a voice in her head telling her not to trust this girl, but she had made it a task to try and be nicer to people in general, as she was a cold person, so she reluctantly nodded her head.
"Sure, why not?" Alyssa shrugged, giving her a smile back.

Allison smiled thankfully before her phone rang, when she excused herself to answer it, Alyssa could hear that it was her mom on the other line. What Alyssa would do to be able to speak to her mom one more time, but because of this girl's family, she couldn't ever do that again.

"Mom, three calls for my first day is a little over-doing..." Allison trailed off as she spoke on the phone, "Everything execpt a pen, oh my god, I actually forgot a pen! Okay okay, I gotta go, love you."

She hung up just as the principal arrived, Allison quickly asked Alyssa if she had an extra pen, to which she shook her head at and apologised. She barely had enough stationary for herself, mind other people.
As the principal walked the girls to their first lesson, the two girls had found out that they are sharing the same class, which made Allison unbelievably happy.

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