( 𝟎𝟏𝟕 ) stiles' cousin miguel

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   'wolf's bane'


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WHILE SCOTT WAS with Allison, trying to figure out a way to snatch her necklace from her, or borrow it; Alyssa had reluctantly followed Stiles to his house, so they could track the text that was sent to Allison on the night that they got trapped in the school by the alpha. Stiles seemed a little timid at the fact Alyssa was in his house, but she didn't care, without asking for directions, she walked straight for his room, only to find Derek, already in there, standing by the side of his bedroom door.

She raised an eyebrow at him but didn't ask, instead, sitting down on Stiles' bed, taking some comics to flip through. The last thing she wanted to do, was be in Stiles' room with Derek, but there was no way she would be third-wheeling with Scott and Allison.
As Stiles walked in, he didn't notice Derek; he really was clueless.

"Hey, Stiles!" Mr, Stilinski called from the hallway, just as Stiles had sat down at his desk.

Stiles turned around in his chair to answer his dad, "Yo, D... Derek." He stuttered, wide eyed, once he saw Derek standing in his room.

Derek silently shushed Stiles and pointed towards the door, to which he rushed towards and stood in the way, so that his Dad couldn't see Derek.
"What'd you say?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, confused by his son's ramblings.

Stiles shook his head, "What? I said 'Yo - d - dad.'" He told him, leaning against the door.

This was when the Sheriff noticed Alyssa on Stiles bed, to which Alyssa waved at him, "Hi Mr. Stilinski." She greeted, giving him a bright smile.
He hadn't spoken to her since the night at the school, he was hoping she was doing okay, considering the situation with her brother.

He looked at Alyssa in disbelief, then to Stiles, who quickly shook his head at the thought of him and Alyssa being a thing, "Homework." He eventually told him, while Alyssa put her attention back to the comic in her hands.

The Sheriff nodded, but didn't believe Stiles for one second, but carried on anyway. Meanwhile, Alyssa sat on his bed, and started playing with her hair, something she did when she was bored.
When Stiles was done talking to his Dad, he came back into his room; only for Derek to push him against the door and hold him up by his shirt.

"If you say one word..." Derek began to threaten, only to get cut off by Stiles.

"Oh, what, you mean, like, 'Hey, Dad, Derek Hale's in my room... Bring your gun?' Yeah, that's right. If I'm harbouring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy." Stiles told him, patting his shoulder in the process, causing Alyssa to snort quietly at the funny sight.
Seeing Stiles think that he was scaring Derek, was hilarious to her.

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