( 𝟎𝟐𝟖 ) drowning

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ALYSSA HAD NEVER been more grateful for someone in her whole life - Stiles had offered her his home due to the fact she had nowhere else to go.. He didn't have to, he could have let her sleep on the streets, but instead, he invited her into his home and given her his bed, whilst he slept on the sofa. It was then, did Alyssa finally realise that he was truly one of a kind; she had been hard on him, but from now on, she was going to do everything she could to keep him safe.
Even if Stiles snored, a lot, she didn't care; anywhere was better than an old abandoned subway with a sleeping bag for a bed - she was done with that, and not going back.

However, her feelings for Stiles were blown out of the window when he told her their plan to get the book that Deaton had described to her and Scott the night before.
"No way." She denied, pacing around his room in complete stress, "There's no way I'm going near that man."

Truth be told, Allison's grandad scared her, more than any other hunter she had met before - he was ruthless, he didn't care about those he hurt in the process, and that made him dangerous, meaning that any werewolf shouldn't be anywhere near him..
"You don't have to go near him, you just have to come to his office to help me find the book." Stiles explained, rolling his eyes at the girls actions and pacing.

"You realise how dangerous this man is, right?" She asked him, finally stopping pacing and facing him with a look on her face, "He would literally torture you, a human, to get to Derek, or Scott, or me for that matter. He's not to be trusted."
In fact, she didn't even know why she was at school when he was the new principle - surely he wouldn't kill her at school? Maybe if she just stayed out of trouble, he wouldn't be able to get to her..

Stiles felt a shiver go down his spine at the girls words, "We won't be going near him. Just his office." He told Alyssa again, watching as she sighed in annoyance, "It'll only take ten minutes, tops. Then you can come back here and do whatever you want." He told her.

For a few seconds, Alyssa stood and stared at Stiles with an annoyed expression - she really didn't want to do this, but she guessed she had no choice.
She shrugged, "Fine. When're we going?" She asked, watching as Stiles jumped up from his place on the bed with a smug look on his face that he had won.

"Now. Let's go." He announced, taking her arm and pulling her out of the room, heading straight for the car and to the school. They had to act quickly, meaning that it was going to be a long night.

"I can't believe you dragged me into this." Alyssa complained, as she hid behind the bleachers with Stiles, keeping an eye on Allison for when she hands the two of them her grandads key to his office.

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