( 𝟎𝟒𝟐 ) defeating the kanima

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'master plan'


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AFTER ALYSSA HAD told Scott that the two of them were mates and connected, they had made it to the warehouse pretty quickly, Alyssa speeding up the car as soon as she had told Scott the big secret she had been keeping from him. He had taken it pretty well, better than she thought he would, and she was glad that she had finally opened up about what she had found out from Derek - neither of them knew what to do about the fact that they were mates, but they also both knew that they had to help Derek defeat the Kanima, until then, they knew they needed to push their thoughts and questions to the back of their minds until this was all over, and they could all finally breathe again.
The girl climbed out of the car after parking, Scott following closely behind her as they walked into the warehouse with Argent and Isaac, "Guys, I think he stopped moving." Isaac spoke up, looking in the back of Argents car at a now still Jackson, who had stopped moving since the car had parked inside of this warehouse. Alyssa looked at the car with a nervous expression on her face, not knowing what they were going to do and how they were going to stop Jackson from killing anyone else - she just hoped that Derek and Peter had a plan..

"Where's Derek?" Argent asked, knowing that they needed him in order for their plan to work and to stop Jackson once and for all.

Alyssa looked around the warehouse in confusion, wondering why Derek wasn't here yet as he had left before them, before she realised that she had his car and he probably had to make his own way here without it. "I have his car, he should be here soon." The girl told Argent, who nodded at her words. This was when they turned around and saw Derek running into the warehouse on all fours, obviously having heard Argent with his sister and wanting to show off or show that he still had the power in case the hunter tried anything, "Showoff." Alyssa mumbled, rolling her eyes at the entrance Derek had chosen. Even Scott rolled his eyes at Derek's entrance, knowing that it was unnecessary.

"I'm here for Jackson. Not you." Argent told Derek, noticing how the man had stood up in a defensive position, glaring at the hunter like he was the most evil person in the room.

"Somehow I don't find that very comforting." Derek told Argent, knowing that he couldn't trust this man just because he said that he wasn't here for him. The man had spent weeks trying to kill him and the rest of his pack, and he was to just believe him when he said that he wasn't here for them? He found that pretty hard to believe. "Get him inside." Derek then instructed the three teens, who were watching him and Argent with nervous eyes, not knowing if Derek or Argent were going to try anything..

"Where's Peter and Lydia?" Scott asked, as he stood in front of Jackson's body, waiting for the two of them to come and save Jackson from this Kanima state and bring him back to his human phase. "You said you knew how to save him." He stated, when Derek didn't answer him, instead, crouching down to open the body bag that Jackson's body was currently lying in.

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