( 𝟎𝟐𝟎 ) the homecoming

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BEFORE ALYSSA EVEN had the chance to start looking for some new clothes, she was called over by none the other, Lydia, causing her to instantly groan to herself; it's not that she didn't want to see the girl, because, in all honesty, she missed the girl, but right now, she needed to focus on Derek and finding out how she can get him back.
"Is that Scott's top?" Lydia asked her as the female werewolf approached her.

Alyssa immediately looked down at the top she was wearing, and she realised that she did indeed, have Scott's T-shirt on, causing her to stumble on her words. How was she supposed to tell Lydia why she had his top on, without mentioning the fact her other top had a hole in it from being shot.
"Uhh." She mumbled, trying to find an excuse to wearing her friends boyfriends shirt, "I was at the vets this morning Scott clean and I spilt ble..."

"Okay, whatever." Lydia brushed off, not actually caring. The only thing she cared about at this moment, was shopping.
"Are you shopping for homecoming?" She then asked, pulling Alyssa along with her to the dress section.

Alyssa didn't know how to answer that question - Peter had told her to go to the homecoming, but did that mean he was planning something? She knew that Scott and Stiles were going, but she was never planning on going with them; she had bigger things to do, but now? She didn't know.
"Uh.." She mumbled, looking for anything that could get her out of shopping with Lydia.

She didn't have a chance to get away from the crazy girl, as she began to hold up dresses to Alyssa.
"I think navy would be good on you." She spoke, as she held up multiple dresses to Alyssa's body.

"I don't wear dresses." Alyssa replied, giving Lydia a bored look.
The last time she had worn a dress, was when her mom dressed her up as a kid - she didn't want to be caught dead in one at the moment.

"You will now." Lydia simply replied, shoving a bunch of dresses into Alyssa's hold, before guiding her into one of the changing rooms.
When Alyssa stood in the cubicle, unclear about what to do, Lydia rolled her eyes, "Try them on!" She exclaimed, before pulling the curtain and stepping back, ready for the fashion show...


Alyssa had sworn to never go shopping again, especially with Lydia - she had been stuck in that mall for hours on end, with no way out, and she would rather be shot with wolfsbane over and over again.
She and Scott had made a plan of action to make it look like they were both going to the dance, but in reality, they were going to go looking for Derek - she just hoped that he would stick with the plan.

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