( 𝟎𝟏𝟖 ) mistakes can happen

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AFTER THE FIGHT with Peter, Derek and Alyssa had listed to him as he explained how he didn't mean to kill Laura, that it was all a mistake. Since they were the only Hale's left, Derek and Alyssa had hesitantly agreed to help Peter. Alyssa mostly going with what Derek does, as that is what she had always done, since the fire - even with Laura being the alpha, she had always followed Derek.

A few hours later, Peter, Derek and Alyssa were waiting in the locker room for Scott, after his game. They had turned the lights off, making Scott believe that it was Danny; but they saw that he looked relieved when he saw Alyssa and Derek, standing in front of him.
"Thank god! Where the hell have you guys been? Do you have any idea what's been going on?" He asked as he spotted them, mostly looking towards Alyssa for an answer.

Peter then walked out from behind the two siblings, making himself known to Scott, who looked at him confusingly, as well as the Hale siblings - he didn't understand what was going on..
"I really don't get lacrosse." Peter commented, holding a lacrosse stick and waving it around, while Alyssa and Derek stayed silent.

"It was you..." Scott gasped, in realisation, backing up.

"When I was in high school, we played basketball. Now, there's a real sport." Peter carried on speaking, not caring at the teenage boys hostility.
Scott looked towards Alyssa in disbelief, causing her to avert her eyes from him, feeling slight guilt pile up in her stomach, as if she was betraying him, which she was, "Still, I read somewhere that Lacrosse comes from native Americans tribes and that they played it to resolve conflict. I have that right? Hm. I have a little conflict of my own to resolve, Scott. But I need your help to do it." He told Scott, finally facing the boy.

Scott glared at Peter, "I'm not helping you kill people." He snapped.

"Well, I don't want to kill all of them. Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include..." Peter trailed off, looking at Alyssa, forgetting the name of Scott's current girlfriend.

Alyssa looked towards Scott before averting her eyes once more, not wanting to see the look of betrayal on his face as she took her uncles side. "Allison." She confirmed, after a few seconds of debate on wether or not she was doing the right thing.
At first, she had instantly gone along with Peter and Derek, but now... Seeing Scott's face had changed everything.

Scott then turned to look at Alyssa, with his mouth slightly open in surprise, "You're on his side?" He asked her in disbelief, as she looked down at the floor to avert his judging gaze, "Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?" He then asked Derek.

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