( 𝟎𝟎𝟓 ) arrested brother

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   'second chance at first line'

   'second chance at first line'

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IN THE CEMETERY within Beacon Hills, Alyssa and Derek were tracking the alpha, where his scent had gone cold, meaning that they had lost track of it. It's nearly impossible to find this thing, this was going to be a lot harder than the Hale siblings thought.

"Find anything?" Derek asked Alyssa, earning head shake from the girl as to say 'no'. Derek sighed, when suddenly, they heard a low growl from behind them.

When they turned around, they saw two red eyes staring right back at them, causing Derek and Alyssa to immediately shift in defence, charging at each other, ready for a fight.
Derek swung his claws at the alpha first, only for the alpha to block the hit with ease; he then tried to kick it in the side, but the alpha had grabbed his leg and chucked him to the side like a rag doll.

Alyssa prepared herself and went to claw the stomach of the alpha, only for it to duck backwards away from the hit, successfully dodging it. Alyssa grunted in frustration and went to hit it again, however, the alpha managed to block once more and had wacked her round the head, causing her to go flying into a gravestone.

As she hit the gravestone, she immediately felt blood run down her face from where she was hit on her forehead, just when the alpha took of running.
Derek began to make his way over to Alyssa to ensure that she was okay, only for her to tell him to go after the alpha.

After hesitation, he ran after it, in attempt to catch it again, while Alyssa gathered her strength up to join him.
When she did, she saw him walking back to the cemetery with a sour look on his face.

"It got away." He said, angrily.

Alyssa sighed, she didn't know how they were going to catch this alpha when they can barely fight it. She just wished that they could have Scott's help, that way they may be able to stop it from killing innocent people in the town. Right now, she didn't know if anyone could stop him.

∘ ∘ ∘

It was early in the morning and Alyssa had just finished getting ready for school, when there was a knock at the front door. She answered it hesitantly, wondering who would he knocking, or even visiting.

"Excuse me, Miss Hale. I'm Sheriff Stilinski and this is Officer Chase." The sheriff introduced himself.

Alyssa gave them a confused look, "Can I help you?" She asked, wondering why they would be here.

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