03 | "lena mikaelson"

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I was at my locker, hearing the whispers like white noise that won't go away.

"I heard Luna slit her wrists in a bath tub and tried to bleed out."

"That's definitely a lie. She's a fucking psycho, yeah. But not that type of psycho."

"She probably has some sort of mental illness. Maybe bpd?"

"Well somethings clearly fucked up, up there for her to have the guts to show her face back here."

I turned to the girls. "If you have something to say then just fucking say it and get on with it."

All of them silenced themselves aside from one.

"Fuck you, Luna. You can't talk to us like you're better than us when you're the psycho here. The nerve of you to come back here and think you still run things."

I chuckled. "It's not hard to run things around here when sheep like you make it so easy for yourselves to be ran. You bird brained idiots have no idea what you're even talking about."

"We know that you're a fucking homewrecker. A desperate slut who can't get her own man so she had to take someone else's."

I nodded with a smile on my face. "You know, just because you said that, if you know what's good for you, you won't ever let me catch you walking with a man. Because if I do, I'll have him in my bed before you even have the chance to beg me to spare him."

"As if my boyfriend would ever go near you. Slut."

"You wanna bet on that? Call him over right now then."

She swallowed and remained silent.

"Yeah that's what I thought. Since I'm such a homewrecker, according to you, you'd do well to watch how you speak to me. I always get what I want. Always. So every second you spend with your boyfriend is by the grace of me because I don't need to even see the guy to know that I can take him from you on my very worst day."

If she had any sort of self respect for herself she would at least try to deny the fact that I could take her man. But she didn't.

And although I wasn't interested in the idea of taking another girl's boyfriend, it sure did bring me satisfaction seeing this girl so defeated by my threat against her relationship.

After having said everything that needed to be said, I made my way to English.

By the time English was finished, I now had a certified headache. The whispering and the staring were getting on my last nerves. This was proving to be the longest first day of school in history.

Lunchtime couldn't have come any slower. My day had been so long and boring that I was actually excited for lunch. I could finally sit by myself in peace and quiet.

It wouldn't exactly be peace and quiet seeing as quite literally everybody was talking about me, looking at me, and quite literally pointing at me. But it was a chance to be as alone as I could get. And that was good enough for me.

I didn't care if I had no friends to sit with at lunch. Hell, I didn't want friends. I had friends but look at how good that turned out. I learned my lesson about getting involved with people that I had no business getting involved with. I didn't need friends before, and I certainly didn't need them now.

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