21 | "monster in the dark"

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tw// detailed sexual assault and abortions


Andrew, Nate and Brandon's friend was sat in the corner of my room on my spinning chair. "Well?" He asked, bored. "Are you guys gonna get naked or what?"

"Andrew please shut up." Olivia told him off and he raised his hands in surrender. "I'm just trying to see some girl on girl action."

I rolled my eyes. "Stop fetishizing lesbians."  He shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever that means."

Davina had sat on one of my beambags which was placed on the other side of the room. She hadn't said a word yet, well, nothing directed at me anyways.

Lena, Olivia and Marceline were rummaging through my walk-in closet, helping Blair choose what to wear.

Nate had stood up and was looking through my library. He picked up The Great Gatsby. "I loved that book." He gushed.

I took the book from his hands. "The Great Gatsby was so shit." He looked at me wide eyed like I was crazy. "Are you dumb? It's a classic."

"Just because it's a classic, doesn't make it good. The characters were terrible."

He shook his head vigorously. "No. The characters were so complex and real."

"Daisy was a cunt, Gatsby was a liar and Nick was a pussy. They were all so stupid. They're not complex at all, they're actually pretty straightforward and boring." I placed the book back on the shelf.

Nate had his mouth opened to say something but was interrupted by my dad calling my name from downstairs.

I opened my bedroom door and ran down the stairs to meet him. "Yeah?

"I'm having drinks with David Saxe. I won't be back for awhile so your little party better be gone before I get back. Got it?"

I nodded.

"When I talk to you, I expect you to answer me."

I scowled. "How about you fuck off already?" He scoffed. "Is that better for you, dad?"

He looked disgusted at me. "You're so like Marina it's almost sickening."

"Don't compare me to her. I hate her."

I meant it. I hated Marina with every fibre in my body and I hated Charles just the same.

He chuckled. "At least we have that in common." But I knew he was lying. His words didn't match his eyes. He didn't hate Marina, he never did. He just has too much pride to admit that he's only ever loved her. So he covers it up with 'hatred'. That hatred also extended to me simply because I looked like her. I was a reminder of the very thing he tried so hard to forget. I think he also hated me because I had all the worst parts of him and he didn't like that. At least that's what I told myself anyways.

"You look so much like her, you know that?" He continued softly. "But sometimes, when the light hits you just right or when you're angry, I swear it's like looking in a mirror. And sometimes, you even have-"

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