20 | "boys will be boys"

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TW// detailed sexual abuse.


It was quiet and I was in the dark. The only light that could be seen was from under the door where Blair's house was brightly lit due to the fact that half the school was partying downstairs.

I don't know how I ended up in Blair's bed but I did. I was sprawled across the bed in discomfort. My eyes were heavy, my head was pounding and my muscles were weak. My lips were dry and tasted of alcohol. That made me feel queasy. I don't think I had ever been so drunk in all my life. I couldn't even see straight.

I don't know how long I had fallen asleep for, but at some point the door opened, bringing light to the room. My mind had been alerted but my body remained asleep, dismissing it as Amelia coming in to look for condoms.

Then, the door closed behind whoever it was, making the room dark once again. I heard soft footsteps saunter towards the bed and then I had felt cold hands remove the heels from my feet. I knew instantly that this was not Amelia. Amelia could never be that considerate.

After the person had taken off my shoes, they had began to caress my legs. This was when I had began to think that it was a boy because the hands were rough and dry. Football hands.

The hands went higher and higher. And before I knew it, I had felt fingers reach up and try tug down my underwear. It was a black lace thong. I remember because the lace scratched me due to the force that was being put into pulling them down. Eventually, the person got tired and tore my thong completely. I had heard the sound of my underwear being thrown on the floor.

He then began to climb over me. He was heavy. Definitely a football player. He used his hands to pull my dress up over my waist, exposing my bare vagina. I started to stir. The second I opened my eyes and saw him on top of me, I began to panic. I couldn't move, it was almost as if I was paralyzed.

My throat was raw. I could just about croak out a, "please stop." He put one hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear. "Be quiet, don't move." That's when I knew that "he" was Jack Prentice. I could recognise his voice anywhere.

I shook my head rapidly. "No." I had said desperately. But Jack Prentice is a straight white cis boy. Society doesn't expect him to know that no doesn't mean yes. Boys will be boys, right? Yeah. Boys will be boys and us women will never tell.

Jack's silhouette nodded. "You want this. You want me, stop lying. You were practically eye fucking me downstairs. You were asking for this." Though my body couldn't move, tears fell from the corners of my eyes into my ears.

"I don't want this. Stop." Deep down I knew he wouldn't stop. There was nothing I could say or do to make him stop. He then pressed a hand to my mouth, muffling my protests. His other hand trailed back down to my inner thighs, making it's way to my vagina.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Earth to Luna!" Blair waved her hand in my face. "Are you going to drive or what?"

As I returned back to reality, I had realised that I was holding up the traffic and that the cars behind me were honking at me to go. "Shit." I muttered under my breath before stepping on the gas quickly.

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