10 | "I call bullshit"

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I woke up at the crack of dawn in an unfamiliar bed.

My eyes were squinted and I couldn't decipher what room I was in until I realised that I was wrapped in Brandon's warm embrace.

Sorry, I meant Brandon's shirtless warm embrace.

I was still in my dress but that doesn't mean that I was any less concerned about what Brandon and I had done the night before.

There was a tight knot of dread in my stomach that only simmered away when I realised that we were under pink covers that I recognised as Lena's and that there was a brown haired head girl on the floor next to the bed.

I was silently thanking God as I peeled myself out of Brandon's tight grasp and put my two legs on the floor, nearly standing on Marceline's head in the process.

I was grateful that the girls were sleeping on the ground because that definitely meant that Brandon and I had not slept together.

I located one of my shoes beside Davina's head and I located the other shoe underneath Lena's bed.

As I manoeuvred around the room silently in search of my belongings, I groaned at the sight of the the amount of empty bottles that were planted around Lena's room. The sight of them made my head throb with how much we had drank.

I found my phone on Lena's desk and as I opened it, I was stunned to find that I had a lot of missed calls.

Charles Adams:
63 missed calls.

Charles' wife:
13 missed calls.

Uncle Derek:
56 missed calls.

Aunt Violet:
36 missed calls.

Cousin Blair:
32 missed calls.

Marina Adams:
0 missed calls.

I was in deep shit and I knew it.

I had 63 missed calls from my father. He was going to murder me.

He was clearly searching very hard for me if he even enlisted my uncle, aunt and cousin to also locate me. And if there was anything my father hated more than me, it was his brother.

So for him to have to ask his brother for help meant I was in even deeper shit.

My father is a cocky man. He always liked to brag to his brother that he was a billionaire and he hated asking him for help because Uncle Derek was supposedly 'a lesser man than he was'.

And it was no surprise that I had zero missed calls from my mother. She couldn't give half a shit about where I was unless she needed something from me.

My father was the same. So whatever he needed from me had to have been really good.

I gathered up all the bags that I brought to Lena's house the day before and I searched for my keys that I had last seen in the hands of Brandon.

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