06 | "you lack humility"

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After I walked out, I sat in my car until I saw students begin to return to their classrooms. We were all given direct orders to return back to our previous classrooms while the teachers sorted out the mess I made.

As I walked back into my history class, I sat back down in my seat where Lena was already there, waiting for me.

"The weather is so nice outside today. We should go for a walk later on." I said mindlessly, totally ignoring the fact that I just outed a girl for sleeping with her teacher.

Lena's eyes were about to pop out of her head. "The weather is nice? Luna you just exposed Abigail Barton for having sex with her teacher for grades and you want to talk about the weather?"

Just then, Olivia, Marceline and Davina walked into our classroom and took the seats in front of us.

"What are you guys doing here? You're not in our class." Lena questioned.

"Our teacher wasn't there so we decided to come here." Marceline explained.

"Jeez, Luna. Remind me not to fuck you over." Davina said jokingly, referring to what just went down.

"Seriously Luna, I'm kinda worried. Maybe you should loosen up a little." Lena said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Loosen up? How?"

"Like a party tomorrow night, a chance for you to meet boys and have a good time." I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly.

"I'm not interested in boys, Lena. Besides, I already know how it's gonna end. Not to spoil it or anything, but it ends in disappointment. It always does."

"You're such a pessimist. Not all of them are that bad."

I stared at her with a blank face. "Yes they are, Lena. Yes they are."

Olivia interrupted us after looking up from her phone. "Speaking of boys, did you guys hear that Laura Dawson caught chlamydia from Jason Mitchell?"

I pointed at Olivia but my words were directed at Lena. "This is exactly my point. Nothing good ever comes from dating boys. I stand by what I said."

Lena dismissed me with a wave of her hand. "Whatever, whatever. But I still that we should go to the party. I mean, it's gonna be your first party back at Westview. You need to go."

I shook my head. "I don't know about that now, Lena. Me and Westview parties don't exactly go hand in hand."

I was downplaying it. I've had some of my most traumatic experiences at Westview parties. They never ended well for me. Ever.

"It'll be different this time. You have something that you didn't have last time."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"You have us. And when you're with us you're guaranteed to have a good time. And if you feel like leaving halfway through, say the word and we're gone."

I looked at her warily. "I don't know, Lena. A party seems a bit much right now don't you think?"

"What I think is that you need to live a little."

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