07 | "goodbye abigail"

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The next day, I had mindlessly been in the stall of the girls' bathroom when I heard the bathroom door open and close. Then, two voices that I was all too familiar with began speaking.

"Abigail, what the hell are you even doing in school? Not to rub salt in the wound but if I were you, I wouldn't be showing my face for a very long time. Oh and by the way, Mr. Jacobs? What the fuck were you thinking?" Lydia Ainsworth.

Despite not wanting to rub salt into the wound, Lydia kept talking, making the situation all the more worse for her friend.

"I mean I know Lucas was boring as shit but if you're going to rebound with a teacher then at least choose one whose very existence doesn't scream pervert."

There were loud sobs coming from outside my stall door. "I had to come back to school, Lydia. I couldn't take it at home any longer. I had nowhere else to go."

More cries could be heard and I quickly scrambled up from the toilet to peek through the gap in the stall door.

The two girls were standing in front of the mirror, Abigail wearing big black sunglasses. I instantly knew that something was wrong seeing as she'd never once made the conscious decision to cover up her notoriously pretty face.

"Abby, chill the fuck out. I can't talk to you when you're this hysterical."

"I-I can't." Abigail could be heard taking deep, heavy breaths.

"Abigail, calm the fuck down and take off those disgusting sunglasses. Has one scandal caused you to lose all your sense of style or what?" Lydia looked disgusted at her choice of fashion and I almost laughed right there and then.

Her so called best friend was in the middle of a breakdown and her biggest worry was her poor fashion choices. It was safe to say that Lydia Ainsworth would not be winning friend of the year.

"No Lydia, the glasses stay on."

"Well I'm not speaking to you until you take them off. I mean come on, just because your life is sort of over that doesn't mean that you have to dress as if you're going to a funeral."

Abigail begged and begged to keep them on but Lydia was not hearing her out for one second longer and forced her to remove them.

When Abigail took her glasses off she had a swollen black eye and her cheek was burning a red, irritated colour.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"My father happened. When my mother came to collect me early from school after finding out what happened, I already knew that I was gonna get it at home." She inhaled sharply. "He beat the shit out of me, Lydia. And he's not done either. He's gonna keep going until he doesn't the feel the amount of shame and embarrassment I've caused him."

Instead of comforting Abigail, Lydia shook her head insensitively. "And based on the gravity of what you did, that's not gonna be for a while, Abs."

"Yeah no shit, Lydia. I can't stay there freely. I had to come back to school."

"You know Abigail, as much as it's your own fault for being so stupid in the first place, this is Luna fucking Adams' fault. We need to make that bitch disappear again before she fucks everything up for us."

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