Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Quick note before the story starts: This story takes place around 2000 years in the future and takes place on a really big city called Galexia (I couldn't think of any other name :') im sorry) which is split up into many regions (i.e. Earth, Daibazal, Arus, etc) which can have their own little communities of houses and stuff like that.

Also for those who are wondering, the characters have something called a Holoband which is just a bracelet that activates a hologram.

This is not the official Leakira AU thing. It's just taking the concept.


"He went down this way!"

Voices echoed down the road as Leandro turned into an alleyway. He frantically looked around for somewhere to hide before ducking behind a trash can. He shoved the stolen cash and USB chip into his pockets, panting as he peeked around the edges. Shouting could be heard and he ducked for cover as lights flooded the area. A small group turned the corner, a single Galra with multiple sentries following behind him, all carrying their blasters.

"I swear I saw him come here." He heard the galran say as footsteps drew closer. Leandro felt his breath hitch as they neared and shifted; to his horror, his foot brushed against a tin can, which began to roll, the scratching of the can against pavement sounding impossibly

loud in the narrow alleyway.

The noise caught the Galra's attention, and the sentries turned towards the sound, readying their blasters. Leandro heard the general approach the tin can, inspecting it. He trailed his eyes to the direction it came from, stopping right in front of the metal trash can Leandro was hiding behind; there was a long silence, and Leandro held his breath, knowing his cover was exposed.

"Fuck." The cuban grimaced, jumping out from behind the dumpster. In one smooth motion, he drew his dual pistols and fired, the shots raining down upon his enemies. The galra general was taken by surprise, scrambling away from him, but Leandro didn't give him any room to move. A bullet pierced one of the sentries right through the core, their body crumbled and hit the ground with a thump. He destroyed the robot, leaving it in a piles of scrap metal and shrapnel.

He turned to the rest of the sentries, their blasters all raised and aimed towards Leandro. His breath hitches as they began fire. He wove to the side, dodging the projectiles coming his way. The bullets flew past him, hitting the wall behind him instead. In the midst of all the action, he noticed something glowing in the corner of his eye. A faint purple light coming from behind a wooden crate against the wall. He carefully pulled a pistol from his waist and he aimed it towards the light. The bullet hit the crate with a bang, sending wooden splinters everywhere. He saw the Galran general frantically type something into his hologram. Quiet and quick mumbling came from the general.

"Tell Sendak. General Plarox has located the target."

Leandro's eyes widen.


Leandro leaped into action, making a mad dash towards the galra general. He tackled the galra as they hit the ground with a 'thump'. Leandro used his hands and pinned the other's claws against the pavement and stared right into his eyes. The galra bared his teeth, his sharp canines exposed as he let out a growl.

Suddenly, Leandro heard the sound of multiple blasters charging up for fire. He barely managed to turn his head around before a bullet just missed his head, instead grazing his cheek. He took a glance back at the Galran pinned underneath him. A smug smirk was plastered on his purple face as he opened his mouth to speak.

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