Chapter 2: You're Just Like Us

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When they finally arrived at Akira's house, Leandro eased off the bike as he removed his arms from his waist. His hair was swept back from the wind and his legs were unsteady as he stood up straight- finally feeling the adrenaline crash. He stared at the building in front of him.

There it stood, a little shack off to a smaller area of the city, separated from the rest of the city. Leandro looked at the the worn stairs on the porch, which seemed to have gone years without repair. Akira parked his bike near the front and pushed the wooden door open. The stairs creaked and groaned as their footsteps crossed them to enter the house.

Leandro followed Akira through the door. He placed his shoes off by the front door, miming Akira, who switched the lights on. Blinking his eyes, adjusting to the glow, he scanned the small area.

In the living room, there was a small couch sitting in the corner, and a smaller table, covered with empty cups of instant noodles. Overhead there was a TV bolted against the wall. Aside from the little pieces of paper, tissues, and cans scattered on the floor- the room seemed quite tidy. The kitchen was off to the far right, untouched and dusty. Spiderwebs filled the empty cabinets. To the left of the kitchen, he could see two doors- one which he assumed to be Akira's bedroom, and the other to be the bathroom. It was a small place, no doubt about it, but it was cosy, and had a nice, comfortable feeling to it.

"Welcome, I know it's not much, but make yourself at home." Akira said as he walked into his room. Leandro lingered in the living room before following him.

Inside, there was a desk off to the corner near the window, and a closet on the wall to it's left. What surprised Leandro was the fact that there was two beds in this room. One was plain and white, looking like it hadn't been touched in months. The other had black sheets and red pillows, an unmade blanket on top. It looked like the complete opposite of the prior. Akira plopped on top of the red bed, exhausted, and sank into the comfort of his mattress.

Leandro frowned. Confused at the empty bed, his eyes trailed across the room again, trying to figure out who might have been here. His eyes landed on a picture frame resting on the desk. In the frame, he photo with a younger version of Akira who looked no older than 12. Akira had a wide grin split across his face with a missing tooth, holding up two 'peace' signs. He had hair pulled into a ponytail as usual, with his bangs framing his chubby face.

Next to him were two older men.

One of them was an asian man that sported black hair with fringe falling down on his face. His haircut was the type that would've looked ridiculous on anyone else. He had broad shoulders, almost like a bodybuilder, ripped with muscles. Despite his large appearance, on his face had a warm smile, almost as if he wouldn't dare hurt a fly.

The other sported glasses had light brown hair on tanned skin. He was skinnier, leaner, and less bulky. He had his arms wrapped around the mysterious man and Akira in the middle of laughter.

They're all smiling like a happy family.

Leandro's heart wrenched as his mind flickered over to the thought of his family.

"Did you use to live with them?" Leandro said in an undertone and pointed to the picture. Akira shifted in his bed and lifted his head. "What?" He mumbled and looks to where Leandro was pointing.

Akira's body froze.

His face drops into a grim expression as he stutters out: "Oh... them. That's..." His voice strains as he struggles to get it out. He fidgeted in his spot as Akira seemed to panic, his breaths quicker and more frantic. He began to curl in on himself, like a small child without a parent. Like Leandro...

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