Chapter 1

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Ch.1 Your Mine, Only Mine.

"Get lost you freak!"

You got pushed to the floor.They threw your backpack to the floor which made all the things inside get out.

They laughed at you.

They all did.

As they left, you sighed as you picked up your things.

You were the girl always getting picked on.

The weird girl at school.

The ugly girl.

The loner.

The unpopular one.

You always thought of yourself of worthless human trash.

No one cared about you not even your parents. They would always leave the house to go to bars and when they always came back home and they came back drunk.

Sometimes they have even tried to abuse you!

You had no friends,no one to hang out with. You were completely alone...

It was after school when the school bullies came to you and beated you up in front of everyone.

Everyone would watch and no one would help.

You felt like your right leg had broke, you felt pain around your body, you felt blood dripping from your mouth and nose.

You tried getting up, but once you got up you fell on your knees.

You felt weak, in pain, ...useless. You tried getting up again but this time you managed to do use.

As you were walking towards your neighborhood, you started stumbling a bit and fell down on your knees.

"Ugh... Why me... What did I ever do wrong?" You told yourself as tears fell down from your cheeks.

"Um.. Are you okay?" You heard a voice say. It sounded like a guys voice. You looked up and saw a guy right in front of you.

He had brown hair, beautiful green eyes,and a black and white scarf. He wore a black jacket and black jeans. You noticed his scarf covered is mouth.

You wondered why...

He held his hand out to help you get up. He grabbed his hand and he helped you up.

It seemed like if he smiled as he helped you get up but you really couldn't tell cause of his scarf.

"My name is Liu. It's nice to meet y-- Oh...Your bleeding!" You felt blood dripping out of your nose and mouth again.

"Oh that.." You put your hand on your mouth. "It's nothing.." You said as you looked down.

He then got a napkin out of his pocket. "Here. Well I hope this will help." He said as he handed you the napkin.

"Oh thanks..." You said as you got the napkin out of his hand slowly.

"Well I got to go, I hope to see you again soon." He said with what you thought another smile and he walked away and waved to you.

You waved back and walked towards your house. As you unlocked the door, the first thing you could smell was the smell of beer.

Of course your parents weren't home like always, but when they are, they just drink and leave the bottles all over the place.

You sighed and went upstairs to your room. You placed your backpack on the floor and sighed. You threw away the bloody napkin away in your mini trash can in your room.

You looked up at the clock. "It's already 7:30?!" You said to yourself in shock.

Guess it was more than 30 minutes walking to your house like you thought.

You then decided to go to a shower. Luckily, you had a bathroom in your room.

As you undressed yourself in the bathroom, you saw yourself on the mirror and most of your bruises started turning purple.

They were almost everywhere around your body. You took out your pain relieving cream out to put some on yourself after the shower.

About 30 minutes later after taking a shower, you wrapped yourself in a tower and got out.

You took the cream with you and placed it in the bed. You got out some comfortable clothes out to put on and placed them on the bed next to the cream.

As you finished dressing, you put some cream around your arms and legs. You then laid on bed. "It's 8:10, wonder what's on.." You said as you turned the television on and the first thing that came up was the news.

"Oh god the news.." You thought to yourself as you were about to change the channel when..


Your eyes popped open. "A murder?! How could that be?! There are a lot of security cameras here?!" You started saying to yourself nervously.


"B-but that our neighbors!!" You looked outside the window where your neighbors house was and saw lots of police cars and news reporters there.

How did I not notice?! You thought to yourself when suddenly you heard a knock coming from the front door.

You already knew it was going to be news reporters. Of course... You decided not to open the door. You knew they would be questioning you and you just didn't like things like that, and mostly cause you were going to come out on Live TV.

You sighed ,turned off the television, and decided to go to sleep.

You turned off the lights and went to bed. "This will all be over tomorrow.." You said to yourself as you laid yourself on the bed. You sighed and closed your eyes.

"That's right...GO.TO.SLEEP."

~End Of Chapter 1~



Here it is guys :D

I hope you guys liked it. Next chapter will be uploaded soon. And yes I had to add Jeff XD. He's gonna be a major part in the story. Mostly cause Liu wants to kill Jeff and stuff c:

(It's in his creepypasta story)

So anyways, don't forget to vote and comment what you think about it so far! ^.^



Your Mine, Only Mine. (Homicidal Liu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now