Ch. 6- New Friends

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Ok. I know I didn't write this chapter in order, but this book will be great when I get finished., Thanks for reading. Oh and I'm having trouble thinking of what comes next so it will be great if I had some help from you. Thanks. Enjoy.


I was in my room when I heard knocking on the window. I went over and looked around. I saw a shadow and knew it was ky. I desided not to tell him about the party till that night. I didn't feel like getting yelled at today. I opened the window and jumped down to the ally. Even though I was on the second floor. I walked over to ky.

" Hey." I said.

" Did you find it?" He asked staring at me.

" No." I told him. I was tired of him asking that every-single-day.

" You don't have that much time left!" He was now yelling. The exact thing I was tring to advoid.

" It's only my fourth day."

" Yeah and time is ticking."

" I'll look again tonight."

" You better." He snaped. Then he left. I went around to the back door and went to my room. I put on my jersy and went to train with the guys. I really like training with them. They are all really funny. When I got there all I saw was jerry on the phone. He had his back facing me so he didn't see I walked in.

" Look, carrie. I love you. Mary means nothing to me." He was aweful with girls. She seemed to have said something, but I couldn't hear what she told him. Then he answered back. " Oh. Your going out with george. Do you have Brenda's phone number?" There was a loud beep coming from his phone. Which I figured was carrie hanging up on him. " Carrie?" I stood in the door way.

" Smooth." I said sarcastically. He turned to face me.

" Ya. I didn't really like her anyway."

" Then why did you go out with her?"

" I took pity on her." I laughed and he smiled. I then frowned thinking of how I will miss everyone when I leave. " What's wrong?" He saw my frown.

" Nothing." I said.

" Come on. You can tell me." We sat on a bench near by.

" Can you keep a secret?"

" Of course."

" Ok. I have this friend that is pretending to be someone she's not to follow her fathers orders. At first at first she just wanted to get the job done then get out. But after a while of spending time with them, she becomes friends with them. And finds a guy she really likes. Now she doesn't want to leave and say goodbye. So when she finds what she was sent there for she hides it to stay longer. But she will soon have to leave and she will miss her friends a lot. What should she do to keep from missing them to much?"

" Well I believe that this girl should just tell the people and her father what she feels." He made perfect sense. I can't believe I'm saying this but jerry just said something smart.

" Thanks. Your a great friend." I got up and went to my room thinking of what he said.

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Jerry just helped kari with a huge problem. Do you think he knew what she was talking about? What will she do? Find out nexted. Oh, and I still need help with some ideas for next chapter. Vote and comment. And don't be afraid to leave me a message on my wall. Bye!

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