Ch 9- The Party

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Hey everyone. How are you? Anyway, Jack and Kari kissed. Kari is going to a party with everyone. What do you think that noise was? Do you think Kari will tell Jack what she feels? She only has a few more weeks. Let's find out what happens.

~~:-) ~~(-:~~

I had to get out of there. I climbed out the window and to the roof. I called ky, but he didn't come.

" Ky." I called. " Ky. Please come." Then I saw a figure on the edge of the roof with his back turned to me. " Ky. Is that you? I need some advice." The figure didn't answer. " Ky, please talk to me."

" That wasn't a part of the plan." I knew it was ky by his vocie.

" What?"

" You know what I'm talking about!" He turned to face me with anger in his eyes and his vocie rising.

" No, I don't!" I rised my vocie.

" You were suppose to become friends with them, not kiss the worst one there!"

" He's not the worst one!"

" Ya! And what am I supposed to tell darkness!"

" Nothing!"

" He will go to plan B and kill all of them!"

" He won't! Because you won't say anything to him!"

" And what do you think he's going to do to me?"

" Why would he do anything to you?" I asked less mad.

" Because I was told to look after you!"

" I don't need anyone looking after me!" I felt my anger coming back.

" Know what I'll be back when your gone."

" Fine! I have a party to get ready for anyway!" He left and I climbed back through my window. I got dressed in my spy costum. I walked over to Jack's room and knocked softly.

" Who's there?" He called.

" Kate." I called back. He came out quickly with his pirate costum on. It was red, white and black. He had his hair down and looked like a real pirate.

" Hey, Kate."

" Hey. I just came over here to get a ride to the party."

" Look, I'm sorry about earlier."

" Don't be."

" I just... I'm sorry that I did that and made you run into your room."

" No. It's ok. Can we stop talking about it and go to the party."

" Sure. I'm almost done. Come in."

" Thanks." I walked in his room and he went to his dresser. I went over to the table beside his bed. There was a picture of a blond headed girl and he had his arm around her. " Is this your girlfriend?" I pointed to the picture and scowled at him.

" No. She was my girlfriend but then she went to college and I came here. We broke up."

" Oh."

" Ready to go."

" Yeah. Let's go." We went out the door and I heard ky enter. We went to phil's but stopped before entering the crowded bowling ally.

" Hey. A lot of people that you don't know are in there so if you need help just come find me. I'll be there." He told me.

" Thanks." I replied. We walked in and everyone was dancing. Jack was right the only ones I knew were the four I've known for almost a month. Jack went off to find phil and I was looking for anyone I knew. I finally ran into milton.

" So you did come." He said.

" Yeah. So now do you still think I'm up to soming?"

" I guess I could be wrong." He looked disappointed.

" Thanks." I saw he was sitting at a table all alone. " Do you want to dance?"

" What?"

" I asked if you want to dance."

" Sure." We walked out and started dancing. For the rest of the night I was past around to all of my new friends and when the party ended I went to find Jack. I saw him over by the door. I went over and when he saw me he stood from his seat.

" Hey." I said.

" Hey." He said.

" Thanks for bring me here and convincing rudy to let me stay."

" I didn't do anything. It was mainly rudy."

" Well, who ever it was. Thanks." I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

~~:-) ~~(-:~~

That was surprising. Do you think ky will tell darkness about the first kiss? Find out next chapter.

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