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Rick Kendall is the son of a semi-retired marine. His dad, Nathan, worked in special operations before he was relieved of duty from injuries sustained during a wrestling match back on home turf.

He was honored with several medals with a respectful ceremony for his services and valor in the war.

As for those injuries, he broke several bones in his lower back, preventing him from walking or fighting ever again... until he finished building something...

A skeleton suit, designed to hold and support the user's body like an exoskeleton with pneumatic and magnetic muscle strands to augment strength without adding too much weight.

Now able to walk and fight again, Nathan reinlisted in military service to test out his equipment. A couple of missions and tweaks later and he was a regular Iron Man. Except he didn't wear heavy armour plating or use that toxic Palladium power core. It used the latest in hyper-efficient solar and sterling generators built into the very frame of the suit. Enough power to use a pair of industrial plasma cutters and a coffee maker at the same time, haha.

Being built of titanium alloys and built to lift the weight of a fully loaded M1A1 Abrams Tank, the suit was a show stopper when Nathan was out in the field. Soldiers nicknamed him 'Phoenix' after he came back.

Nathan built a basic exo suit for his son Rick and they both practised practical day to day use of it. It wasn't as advanced as his, but it was good to spend quality time with his son on level ground.

Heh, and bask in the "Dad is cool"- moment.

Rick was forbidden to bring it to school, of course, but they both would on occasion play basketball and tennis together to test speed and strength.


One day Nathan sent an encrypted transmission for his son.

In it were instructions on how to find him...

...and how to use a a new suit his dad finished making for him...

His dad was being held hostage abroad.

Rick knew what to do: Load his suit up and save his dad.

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