Epilogue - The Black Plague

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Additional file: The Black Plague


Officially no one knew how it started or where it came from. Scientists believed that it was a hybrid of some common bacteria that take advantage of our weaknesses.

Dad found out long ago that it was the military's plan to test a brand new, heat-seeking bio-nanobot swarm that killed by injecting itself into bodies, building more of itself and leeching out by the sores, then heading out in all ways possible (air, contact, water, and other means).

Eric let me browse dad's old mission data files and I got to know about all this.

The Nanobot Soup manufactured earlier was used to conduct and attune nanobots between release and adaption into new environments, ie. Plastic container to blood to air etc.

April and Russell asked for my help to stop the transmitter and the production plant in our time to stop the continuous massacre going on, but by the time that was done, 1/8th of the volume of the nano swarm stored ready for use had already been dumped into a specific time stream via Dulce tech.

We couldn't risk time travel ourselves, but history shows how the plague had stopped. When we shut down the transmitter in the same relative moment in time in the past all of the nano swarm ceased. Human bodies with symptoms naturally recovered and the bots were absorbed into their systems leaving no trace. Eric had sources to prove this.

That mission was for you, dad.

Rest in peace.

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