Chapter 4: Secret Library

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Annie's POV
   I stood in front of a green wooden door. The door leads to the basement aka the secret library. I took a deep breath then pushed the door open.
  I walked down the stairs into the library. It looked amazing! So mystical and beautiful! I saw that all the books were sorted in alphabetical order. I decided to search in the B section to find out some information on my family.
  As I searched the B section I saw the title Blackhill Family History on a very thick leather bound book. I immediately pulled it out and walked to the nearest armchair. I plopped on the seat and quickly searched for my father's name in the contents.
  I finally found his name. "Page 999," I mumbled to myself over and over again until I turned to that one certain page. There was a photo of my father and above it was his name, Jason Jonathan Blackhill, written in bold letters.
  I traced my index finger on his name. The photo of him was moving. He was smiling and laughing in the photo. My hand immediately went to clutch my locket. I sighed sadly. I decided to skip his school years and immediately went to the part from where he got married.
  Jason Blackhill was happy enough that he got married with his girlfriend from school. After a few months after their marriage, Acacia got pregnant with their very first child. It was a boy. After the child was born the couple decided on naming him Jackson Jason Blackhill.
  A year after having Jackson, Acacia got pregnant with their second child. A girl. As soon as she was born they named her Anneberlynn Acacia Blackhill. No one either in the muggle world nor the wizarding world has ever heard such a name before. But that's what made their second child unique.
  Another year later, they had their third child. Also a girl. It took a while for the couple to name her. But after a while they decided on the name Annalise Alicia Blackhill.
  Anneberlynn or as her parents call her, Annie, was the different one between her siblings. She had took after her mother but her eyes were her father's dark ocean blue ones.
  On the other her older brother had her father's black neat hair and his mother's brown eyes. Alicia too has her father's black hair and her mother's brown eyes.
  Back when Annalise was born... It was dark times... Lord Voldemort sought out to kill all those who fought against him. That included the Blackhills. For the safety of the other Hill family members, Jason had ordered that they all set out to the mountains, that they take refuge in the old forgotten mansion of the third Blackhill that ever lived.
   Jason and Acacia however decided to stay with the Potters to keep them company. The Blackhills and Potters stuck together ensuring not only each other's but also each other's children's safety.
  Sadly on 31st July, both Harry Potter and Annie Blackhill's birthday, Voldemort had went to the Potters' mansion at Godric's Hallow.
  On that fateful night, James Potter, Lily Potter, Jason Blackhill and Acacia Blackhill were murdered.
  Jackson and Alicia were lucky that they managed to hide in a cupboard.
  Harry and Annie? They managed to survive the killing curse. Voldemort disappeared. The killing curse used on both Harry and Annie only left them with a lightning bolt shaped scar.
  Annie's scar is on her right wrist. Harry's scar is on his forehead. From that day on, they were marked as the boy and girl who lived in every history book.
  There wasn't anything else written after that. That was my father's history. He died protecting me and this boy called Harry Potter. So did my mother.
  I felt silent tears stream from my eyes. I sighed. I wiped the tears away and put the book at the place I found it. Then I decided to find some information about the boy I read about. I searched in the P section. I found nothing. Then I looked at the H section. I found a rather thin book entitled Harry Potter's History. I pulled it out of the shelf and plopped myself on the nearest armchair again.
  I didn't have to read anything about him actually. I just had to see his picture. Unfortunately, as I flipped through the thin book I didn't find any picture of him. I only found a picture of him as a baby with his parents, and that's it. I sighed.
  A person who shared the same birthday, same title and same fate as me but I don't know a single thing about him. Heck, I don't even know what he looks like.
  Then I decided that I should learn more about my kind. I took different history books, spell books, potions books and so many other books about the wizarding world and started reading and cramming every single information big or small into my head.
  My past wasn't beautiful but I'm sure my future will be very very bright.

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