Chapter 1: Katrina Helen Blackhill, My Saviour!

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Annie's POV
It was the same routine as always. Waking up early in the morning, getting a scolded by my aunt, being tortured by my siblings and cousins and finally not a single word from my uncle. There wasn't a single flaw in everyone's everyday plans of torturing me. Seriously!

I was scrubbing the stairs (again, no surprise there). When out of the blue I heard the shouts of two women having a row. One voice was the voice of my aunt the other... I didn't who it belonged to. I got up and slowly tiptoed down the stairs.

When I was at the bottom of the stairs I saw a women about the age of 20 with long auburn and dark ocean blue eyes just like mine! She was the one shouting the loudest at my aunt. She looked so furious that her face was completely red! I gasped. She looked almost like my father. The only difference was that she had auburn hair whereas my father had black hair.

"SERAPHINE FOR GODRIC GRYFFINDOR'S SAKE!!! WHERE IS MY NIECE, ANNEBERLYNN ACACIA BLACKHILL?!" she shouted her voice so loud that it bounced off the walls and echoed back at everyone in the room menacingly.

"Why are you looking for that murderer, you hag?!" shouted Jackson as he neared the auburn hair women. "She's my god daughter Jackson! I can ask for her whenever I want!" the auburn hair women screamed at Jack.

"I'm right here!" I shouted from the stairs. "You get back to scrubbing the stairs, you useless piece of scum!" screamed Aunt Seraphine.


I didn't even know who the bloody hell this women is but she's defending out of the blue. Whoever this women is she must know something about myself that I myself never knew! But what the bloody hell could it be?!

"Anneberlyn Acacia Blackhill?" the women called to me. "Yes?" I asked. "Tell me the name of your parents," she stated. "Acacia Arlene and Jason John Blackhill," I said. "Do you know any other information about your parents when they were alive?" she asked. I

I answered "I read a book with my father's name on it. On the first page it read: Happiness isn't riches nor golds. It's family and friends! It the feeling you get from helping others! It's the feeling you feel when you've not only brought pride to you yourself but also for everyone around you! And it can be so much more... If only you knew where to look!" the women smiled hearing my words.

"Anneberlyn Acacia Blackhill, I am you aunt. I'm the little sister of your father. My name is Katrina Helen Blackhill," said the women, Katrina.

"I've never heard of such an aunt before," I said defensively. I saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes then they returned to her cheery state.

"Your Aunt Seraphine must've forgotten to tell you about me! I'm quite an easy face to forget, you know," she explained.

"I don't think I'll forget you... You stood for me back there and for that I thank you with all my heart," I said.

The women was surprised greatly. "Just like Acacia..." she mumbled tears prickling her eyes. I smiled. "You have your mother's hair and you father's eyes," she stated stating at me.

"We're very aware of that now please leave!" exclaimed Aunt Seraphine.

"You know why I've come here, Seraphine! It's for my niece! I have gone to the ministry, went to a court meeting and fought for the custody of my niece! I will not back down just because you won't sign this custody form!" screamed Katrina.

"I'll sign it Katrina!" a male voice exclaimed. It was coming from behind me. Everyone and myself looked at the top of the stairs only to see my Uncle Garth.

"GARTH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Aunt Seraphine hissed. "I'm doing what's right, Seraphine! You all treat her like she's trash! She's the heir of the Blackhill family! Katrina has the right to take her into her custody! Acacia and Jason stated clearly in their will that their middle daughter, Anneberlynn Acacia Blackhill, will go into the custody of Katrina Helen Blackhill once she turns 20 years old!" exclaimed Uncle Garth.

"Katrina give me those papers. I'll sign them," he stated as he walked down the stairs slowly and carefully.

"Thank you, Uncle Garth!" I whispered. "Your welcome my dear," he said lovingly and patted my head. "Your suffering days has come to an end, Anneberlynn," he stated.

"Katrina, the papers please!" he exclaimed happily. Katrina took out a... Quill(?) And gave it to Uncle Garth. The quill was already dipped in black ink. Uncle Garth signed the papers. As soon as the papers were signed there was a gold wisp that flew from it.

"Anneberlynn, your now under my custody! No more people ill treating you and no more secrets will be kept from you!" Katrina exclaimed.

"Go on, Anneberlynn, pack your things and head over to your new home. I have a feeling you'll love it," Uncle Garth said. I nodded and ran up the stairs. Excitement bursting in me. I didn't actually have any clothes but I did have certain things I wanted to take with me.

I took my backpack from under my rickety bed and stuffed a few old books and a photo album into the bag. Then I stuffed an old friendship bracelet into the bag.

As soon as I ran down the stairs backpack on my back. I took off the black apron and shouted "Hey, Aunt Seraphine you can have your bloody apron back 'cause I don't bloody need it anymore!" then I threw the apron into her face.

I look towards Katrina. She had a satisfied look on her face. I smiled and ran into her arms. She hugged me tightly. "You don't know for how long I've waiting to get to take care of you," she stated.

"You don't know of how many times I would cry every night and look out the window wishing on every star on the sky that someone would someday come and save me from this horrible mansion!" I cried into her stomach. I was considerably short but it was the average height for a 10 year old, soon to be 11 year old.

Katrina smiled and patted my head.

"Let's go home, my dear," she stated.

"Let's go home, Aunt Katrina," I agreed as we walked out of the hell house I used to call my house... Yes, house as in building but not home and in where family is...

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