Marshall Mathers

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Ashley 16

It was her first time travelling by plane, her first time leaving the country in which she was born, and the first time she was going to live in a house with a family. These were all first's for Ashley Jackson, and she was doing it all alone. The only part she was accompanied was when she was being driven to the airport.

''Are you excited?'' Miss Charles asked.

Miss Charles was the owner of the orphanage Ashley had stayed at since she was a baby, she was a kind woman and loved all the children she took in as her own. However, she tried her best to give the children a proper home. So that was why Ashley was in the taxi next to her on the way to the airport.

''No,'' Ashley replied, she was looking out of the window, watching the English countryside whiz past her. Her arm rested on the edge of the window, twirling a strand of her bright auburn hair around her index finger.

''No,'' Miss Charles repeated, ''why not?''

''Because I didn't ask for this, I don't want to be shipped off to the other side of the world,'' she huffed out turning to look at the woman she saw as a mother.

''We're not shipping you off Ashley, we're giving you a better life,'' Miss Charles explained, but Ashley's stare only hardened.

''A better life. You think I'll get a better life in Detroit? Have you even looked at what happens in that place, drugs, gangs, gun violence...'' Ashley started listing off but was cut abruptly off.

''You won't be anywhere near activity like that. I assure you,'' Ashley always admired the way Miss Charles was able to keep her voice calm, even when a child was shouting at her.

''We'll see,'' Ashley mumbled, just as the Taxi turned into the airport. It was then she found the upcoming events all too real.

Twenty minutes later Ashley sat by the gate, her backpack resting on the empty seat next to her. Most of her luggage was in the hold, while other pieces were being posted over, which she would receive in the next few days. She was sat next to Miss Charles, her headphones on, connected to the walkman that lay hidden inside her hoodie pocket. A tap on the shoulder by the woman next to her, made her reluctantly pull them off.

''I want to make sure you know who's picking you up,'' Miss Charles stated while pulling a picture out of her handbag, ''now Sarah and Joe can't pick you up from the airport, so they've asked someone else. Here,'' she handed the photo over to Ashley.

The photo wasn't of just one person it was of two, one was a lot skinnier than the other, his brown head of hair was shaved so it was extremely short and his eyes confused Ashley as she wasn't sure if they were blue or brown. The man stood next to him was dark-skinned, slightly taller and had a similar haircut.

''Er who are these guys?'' Ash asked, her eyes lingering on the two, who as far as she could tell seemed close to each other. Although it was just a picture, so she didn't want to make any assumptions too soon.

''DeShaun Holton and Marshall Mathers,'' Miss Charles answered, turning the photo over to show the names written on the back, ''now your plane has just called, you need to get going,'' she added, pulling Ashley to stand up.

''I'm gonna miss you and when I mean you I don't mean the bratty kids of your's I'm leaving behind, but just you,'' Miss Charles didn't bat an eyelid at Ashley's description of her fellow children. Instead, she pulled the young girl into a hug, not letting go until boarding for the flight called again.

''Write, I want letters or postcards, even photos will do, but I want to hear from you,'' Miss Charles spoke sternly to her as she joined the line for the flight.

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