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Ashley held Jamie in her arms a little longer as she tried to figure out what she wanted to so. For the most part, she had three options, leave Jamie alone and go back to Marshall who had probably started cooking by now. It would also mean that Jamie would probably go back to talking to Elton, which wasn't a bad thing, but he was in a different time Zone so at some point that conversation would have to be cut short, which would leave Jamie all alone. The second option was that Ashley blows Marshall off and tells him exactly what happened, which would mean Jamie wouldn't be alone the whole night, but it meant Marshall would be alone with Lizzy. The third option was that she took Jamie back over with her to Marshall, meaning she'd be giving him his birthday present early. Ashley considered all the option and realised that the final one was the most practice because it would hopefully be able to cheer Jamie up after what had happened.

"Come on, let's get out of here, spend the night at Marshalls. What do you say?" Ashley posed the question and held her breath waiting for him to answer. It took a few minutes, but after whipping his nose on the tissue that had been clenched in his fist, Jamie finally answered.

"I don't wanna ruin the date," he sniffed out, moving to wipe a stray tear that had crawled its way out of his eye.

"Nonsense, plus how about getting your birthday present early. It's kinda hard to hide so..." She trailed off seeing his eyes light up a little. He may only be a teenager, but the promise of opening presents before you were supposed excited the five-year-old in him.

"Well if you insist," he replied a small smile forming across his face. Ashley returned it moving her arm that had been resting around his shoulders so she could get off of the bed.

"Go put some shoes on I'll meet you downstairs ok," Jamie nodded as she gave him a kiss on the cheek before making her way downstairs to wait for him.

While she waited, Ashley thought about calling Marshall to tell him what was happening. Then after some thinking she came to the conclusion it wasn't going to really affect the evening so just decided to cross the hurdle when it came to him asking about Jamie's presence. So as soon as Jamie had his shoes and coat on the two made there way back over to Marshall's house, who was in for a surprise. Little did they know they were also in for a surprise. Well, of course, Jamie was, but there was also a surprise waiting for Ashley behind the walls of Marshall's home.

"You ready, because it will probably be right behind this door," Ashley turned around to her son, her hand placed tentatively on the handle of the door.

Jamie didn't reply in words instead he just nodded his head. Ashley then let out a grin before swinging the door wide open. Ashley wished she'd had her phone out so she could take a video or picture of his face. There was no evidence that a little over five minutes ago he had been sobbing his poor heart out. All traces of sadness was gone as his face lit up and he rushed inside to say hello to his new friend.

"Her name's Lizzy. Do you like?"

"Mom what sort of question is that of course, I love her. Thank you so much," Ashley left him to get aquatinted with his new furry friend, making her way into the kitchen where some very interesting smells were coming from.

She was silent for a moment while she took in the sight laid before her. Various pots and pans were scattered across the room, some through haphazardly on top of the counter, while others occupied spots on the hob, bubbling away Marshall stood by the larger pan a wooden spoon resting in his hand as he striped whatever he was making, his eyes focused on an open book outstretched on the counter to the right of him.

"Since when did you know how to make curry?" Marshall jumped a little, startled by her sudden presence in the room. He turned around and beckoned her over with his finger the spoon still being used to stir the sauce in the pan.

"I found something in the cupboard that belonged to you and so I thought I'd use it," he admitted, gesturing towards the book next to him.

Ashley frowned and looked over the recipe that he was using, it did look familiar. Keeping her finger in the page that Marshall was using she flipped it over to look at the front cover. The outside protective slip that covered it had aged badly as parts of it were ripped and hanging off in places. It also had a thick layer of dust still coating the side, which confirmed to her that Marshall had indeed just found it because a few cobwebs also hung loosing off of it too. She instantly knew that Marshall had also been correct about it belonging to her. He, however, didn't quite figure out why it was in his cupboard, that was one question she could answer or hi,

"Do you know why you have it?" She asked and the shake of his head confirmed what she had thought.

"I gave it to Kim because she wanted to be able to cook probably and I guess it just sort of ended up here. Even though I did ask her countless times for it back and she said she'd lost it and would look for it. I'm guessing he didn't look hard enough," Ashley explained, but it seemed Marshall's focus was not on her, but what was occurring behind her.

"Um, what is Jamie doing here. I thought the dog was for him tomorrow and were's Tom?" He asked creasing his forehead as he tried to figure out what was happening.

"Yeah about that."

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