VOICE XI::: THe disappearance of Rin..... (Return)

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Len P.O.V.

Gumi passed out after saying the words I was longing to hear, I smiled and kissed her forehead. I must be happiest boy for the night! Learning that you- "LEN!!!!!" A girl's voice screamed. I looked around to see no one screaming my name. A heavy throb met my head, I staggered and placed Gumi on her bed. "The hell- Len! C'mon!" Oh I recognize this voice. I smiled gently despite of the heavy throbbing, and let my body crash to the cabin bed. Closing my eyes I saw a certain yellow head that went missing for 2 days straight pouting. "Geez, took you way too long for a small confession..."

"S-sorry" I smiled sheepishly as I entered our 'dream' space as Rin would call it. (referring to chapter 4)

"So your admitting it?" she said as she pulled me down to the couch.

"Yeah?" avoiding her mischievous eyes.

"Sorry." she suddenly said. Then a yellow blur hit me and send me on the floor. "You okay Len? I shouldv'e looked at where I am going... I scared you didn't I?" she was trembling.

"A lot." I said wrapping my arms around her. "You should've seen Kaito's face when I told him that you weren't answering any of our calls." Then I started telling stories about everyone when I posed as her, and I guess no one noticed? I hope.

"Then this means you've used my body too much do you?" Rin glared at me

"Uhh, Can I explain?" I sweat dropped ready to run any time.

"No you can't Mr. Kagamine." She smirked. In an instant I jumped out of our position and ran away from her. As you expect I was followed instantly and was tickled to death.

Laughter was heard inside the 'dream' house, even if the people inside there is only the two of us. If Rin will be gone again, I don't know what to do anymore, she was pretty much like a little sister to me.

Then I heard a couple of voices calling my name. Both of us looked up the ceiling, I felt someone was pulling me through the floor. So it was time. " Hey hear me out little orange." I said looking to her eyes.

"Hm?" she looked up.

Rin's P.O.V.

"You know about time's up right?" he asked out of blue.

"Of course I do." I huffed. Of course! I wasn't a player if I don't!

Then suddenly white light was enveloping Len. He waved a hand at me and he was engulfed by the white light! He was shining like the sun! I closed my eyes instantly. And I heard him saying "I guess it's time for me Rin." he said... Time? Don't he mean- I just got back! And now your replacing my disappearance?!

"LEN!!" I shouted. I opened my eyes and saw the cabin room where Gumi and me (formerly Len) stays. I squinted my eyes with the sudden sunlight entering my eyes.

"I-is th-that y-you R-Rin-chan?" A hoarse voice asked beside me, my head whipped up to see a very distressed Gumi. Her hair was a mess, her green eyes were surrounded by red, and her p.e. uniform looked as if she just got up from bed.

"G-Gumi-chan?" I choked out. "Ye-yeah it's me." Gumi suddenly tackled me a tight hug.

"Thank goodness! If you didn't come back I didn't know what to do anymore!" she whined. I soothed circles behind her back.

"Shush, calm down Gumi-chan. I'm here. I won't go." I soothed, trying to get her calm down.

She continued crying to my shoulder for five minutes or so, I don't mind. I just want to know her problem. After that she looked at me with her puffy green-red eyes. "L-Luka sh-she.." she trailed off looking at her fists which was turning white from hard grip.

"Luka? What happened?" I asked worriedly. Then she pointed at the mirror... What does that mean? I stand before it and I can see myself, tears are now leaking through it... I was alone.. Alone in the mirror's reflection.

I heard a knock and Gumi letting the person in, I was too dumbstruck to my latest discovery.. Len wasn't reflecting anymore.. "Thought so." a hoarse voice of a male sighed. My head turned slightly to see him. It was Kaito without his glasses nor his scarf on. His eyes... They were red as GUmi's eyes were, and I might be added to the list very soon. "I guess I'm not alone... That only leaves Gakupo." he said. My eyes widened as the fact hit me. I turned to the mirror to see only 3 people reflected. Not 6 which I was used to...

"S-so" GUmi choked up "E-everyone-"

"We gotta fix ourselves we don't want anyone worry for us." I cut her off. I don't want her to say those words much less it'll drop down to my mouth. NEVER.

"Rin's right. I guess see you around." Kaito said as he jumped down to the window (mind you our room is the 1st floor) trying not to look any suspicious. Yeah right as if he won't. I would've shouted 'Hey look there is a pervert over here! Help us!' or something along the lines to annoy the hell out of him if I don't have these traitor liquid falling out of my eyes.

Gakupo's P.O.V.

"Welcome back?" I stated, no more like questioned. THe camping has already ended and my hopefully still infused-VOCALOID friends came back greeting me with a scowl (in Gumi's case a frown).

"So is Kiyo still around?" Kaito asked so bluntly that stabbed my heart with an emotional stake. How did he know?

"T-tell us Gakupo-kun... We want to know." Gumi pleaded, her voice was a lot weaker than we first met and that was 3 moths ago.

"Speak Kamui." Rin demanded.

"Unfortunately he isn't" I said, shadowing my eyes with my purple hair. I don't have to see their pity looks for me.

"So this is it. The end." Kaito clicked his tongue.

"E-end of what?" I asked now looking at them. My eyes set on the blond.

"Their time is up." Rin concluded.

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