Voice IV::: Another strange day with the VOCALOID stars

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    Gakupo's P.O.V

 I arrive at school with the usual fan girls behind me. I parked my bicycle and head to the shoe locker, I saw Rin running, holding a blue scarf and a pair of glasses, she passed me and was followed by a boy with blue hair. "Give it back!" he shouts

      "Nu-uh! Catch me if you can!" Rin shouts back, she seemed to notice me and hides behind me. "Morning Kamui-kun!" she exclaims, then the boy dashes for her but she used me as her human shield. Great just what I needed. The boy tries to grab the scarf and glasses but failed miserably, feeling irritated by the scene I took the glasses and scarf out of Rin's hands and gave it to the blue-haired boy. "Hey! It was hard to get that!" Rin protested.

"Geez, in this early morning you try to annoy people!! What did this boy do to you huh?!" I scolded at her

     "C'mon it's not that annoying I was helping him!" Rin said

"'Helping'? You call that helping?" the boy grunted, wearing his glasses and scarf.

     "What did this boy do to you and Who on earth is he?" I asked.

"Well, I'll answer the second question first. He's the nerdy yesterday! Shion Kaito! And second I was helping him to be popular! He has a good face too!" she said merrily. Shion Kaito? No kidding this boy is? I turned around to see him up close and yeah no lying this boy really have a good face and why on earth does he have to hide it? I get Rin's reason but why does he need to be popular?

     "Don't you dare take this again." Kaito growled but it didn't work on Rin.

"Yeah right. Mr. Ice cream lover." Rin said with her eyebrow raised while taking her indoor shoes.

     "Ice cream lover?" I asked

"Agh! Crap there is a meeting in the basketball club! See yah! I gotta go before Captain kills me!" Rin remembers and dashes to the gym, leaving me and Kaito stunned with her speed.

      "How does she get that much of an energy?" Kaito grunted taking his indoor shoes.

"She probably eat 3 spoonfuls of sugar a day." I sighed

      "If she does that everyday I hope the ants would get angry at her and bite her so that she wouldn't pester for at least a day."

"Yes, I agree with you." I said and went to my classroom, girls are still gathered behind me and people are gathering in my desk placing things with 'love' or 'like' on it. I wish there is a single silent day in my life...

  "Hey, Gakupo." Kiyoteru called out in my mind

"Hm? What is it?" I asked mentally, as I was arranging the things in the desk not wanting to throw it away and disrespect the ones who did this. What I usually do with this is bring them back home, and use it if it was any useful and if it was not useful... Let's just say I threw them secretly or burn them... I know I'm cruel, but Rin's way crueler than me.

    "That. The green package. It doesn't look like the any other packages." Kiyoteru said.

"You think so? Nah, it's just a way to make me take it..." I sighed. Then Wataru called me.

      "Gakupo! Someone's calling out for you!" he said, I turned and went to the door. It was Gumi, she was fidgeting, like she was nervous. I think the girls started sending daggers on her. "What's up?" I asked

"Umm... That package.. Uhh.. The green one! Um.. Could you give it back? I mistaken it for yours... It was meant for Akita-san..." Gumi said softly, but I can hear it. I nodded and fetched the green package . She quickly took it out of my hands, and handed me a small square package.

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