The New Guy Part 1

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It's Giysnn 🍃here with the first ever chapter so if Max will do the honors for me!

Max : fine, Giysnn does not own me or any other of the side characters and along with the story plot.

Thanks Max! Now we can get on with the story!

Struggling to keep my balance with the heavy box in my hands to get to the moving truck. Suddenly the box gave out and the contents fell to the floor. "Really, Max? You're bringing weights? You never use them." My mom stated, I sighed and said "No wonder there so hard to lift." She giggled and continue put the few extra boxes into the truck. "It's really gotta just be the stuff we need."

"We're gonna miss you Max!" I look behind me to see three kids smiling.

"Yeah I'm gonna miss you weirdos too." I look towards my weight set that was scattered on the ground. "Say anyone interested in a slightly used weight set." One of the three kids held a picture in there hand staring at it. "Hey, is this you?" The kid said showing me the picture. "Uh no, That's uh That's my dad." I said in a low voice. "He's -- not around anymore" I said while taking a hold of the picture.

"Hey uh, why don't you guys help yourself whatever's in this box o' goodies, huh? We got stuffed animals, action figures." I said "Thanks, Max!" They said. I spotted a game boy deep in the box and grab showing to the the kids. "Video Games, ahhh!!! Heh guess they don't make 'em like they used to, huh?" I looked at the now sparked game boy that lied on the driveway. The kids dig through the box as if they were searching for gold. But finally they were satisfied of what the got. "Alright, now you go on, get outta here! An keep in touch you crazy kooks!" They giggled as they ran away to have fun. I sigh still watching them run of in the distance. "Okay! New town, new job - whaddaya say, kiddo Ready for a new adventurer?" My mom say as she appears around from the truck. "Are we ever gonna stay in one place?" I huffed. We hop into the truck and we finally left and headed to our new town.

Unknown POV's
"They're on the move!" The voice said speaking into the mic. "Copy that Commander." Said a voice coming from the mic.

I felt the motion of the car come to a stop, jolting me awake. I yawned and stretched. I look out the window to see that we were in a busy city and I look at the building infront of us it was a somewhat tall and it looks like an a apartment. I got out the car and see mom quickly unloading the truck. "Oh Max! Come help me unload the truck, I got a big day at my new job tomorrow and I need to have the boxes in the place." I nod my head and went the back of the truck and help out.

2 hours later

I was exhausted from all the moving and unpacking. I went into my new room and fell on my bed enjoying the softness as my muscles relaxed. I lay there staring outside my big window at the glistening lights of the city. I felt the sleep slowly take over me. I look on to the lights of the city one last time before falling asleep.


"We both have big first days! Me at work and you at school!" She exclaims while cooking her not so famous breakfast. I rolled my eyes and play with my Cereal
"C'mon, it'll be great! New friends! Cafeteria food! Tons of homework!" She leaned onto the counter staring at me with a smile addressed on her face. "Yeah, a regular paradise on Earth." I muttered out. She giggled and pat me on the back

"Well I'm gonna get dress for work, You sure you're okay without me driving you today?"

"Yea I'm good, I don't want to be that kid that still has there mom drive you."

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