Secert Identity Crisis Pt.2

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Hey what is up guys It's posionnn💊Bringing you another chapter! Last chapter was getting intense but this time expect to see some 🔥🔥🔥 in this one! Literally!

Time for the honors!

Now if my big favorite jock, ya love him and ya hate him! Give it up forrrrr...BUTCH!!💓

Butch: wassup nerds! It's me the greatest hero On the planet. Did you know I saved a girl from a burring building! That's right... me!

Uhh Butch please get to the point, my readers aren't very patient. And stop spoiling the plot...

Butch: Alright I'll do it right after I give them my autograph!!

Butch: Finee loser.Poison does not own the storyline/plot of max steel or characters. Any art work or pictures poison includes isn't poisons either. There happy! Now back to me, wanna see my medel-

Thank you so much butch for doing the honors! "whispers* and I might never let you do it again. Anyways onto the story! Enjoy my little poison gang 💊

Last time on Turbo Lovers...

"Commander, we've got trouble." She then reaches toward the super tech computer pushing a few buttons before a hologram was shown of a building on fire. Wait I know that'-

"This isn't an N-TEK problem. Alert the copper canyon fire department." Uncle Ferrus says shaking his head in disagreement.

"Sir, it's Max's high school." The blonde N-TEK agent says.

"Sydney, Kirby, (Y/N)! Uncle Ferrus I gotta go! I gotta go!" Max shouts looking back at him before running towards the door.

"MAX! Wait." Uncle Ferrus calls out to max. I stop turning back to him fighting the urge to speed off to my friends.

"It'll be faster if we take the hooper." He said seriously, looking max in the eye. He could tell He was panicking.

"Then let's go." Max said before heading off with uncle Ferrus to save my friends. Don't worry guys I'm coming...

I was worried. I didn't know if my friends were okay. What if something happened to them? What if they couldn't make it out the fire? What i- no I can't think like that. They're gonna be okay..

They have to be.

The chopper was quickly approaching the burning school. I look out the window with a worried look before gathering my backpack with steel in it  waiting at the hatch. Uncle Ferrus follows behind me towards the hatch. Once the chopper had slowly landed at the back of the school, the hatch then opens wide before I could even step out Uncle Ferrus puts a hand to my shoulder making me look back at him.

"Now max do whatever you have to." Uncle Ferrus says letting go of my shoulder. I give him a nod before jumping out the chopper.

"But! no Max Steel you've been in the public eye too much already and's way to close to home." He said with an expression on his face that I couldn't read.

"Okay. Understood." I said quickly before dashing off to the front of the school. As soon as I turned the corner, my eyes went wide at the sight. Sirens from the firefighters trucks going off. The loud crackling from the fire. Debris crumbling from parts of the school where had weakened it. Screams and cries of the victims. My eyes scanned the huge crowd out in front of the school searching for any sign of Kirby,Sydney, or (Y/n). I let out a breath of relief when my eyes landed on a familiar messy dark brown hair head. I jog over towards Kirby who stared at the fire intently.

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