Thank you! :D

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Hey guys this isn't an update but I'm so happy to announce my story has gotten 11th in maxsteel ranking! I can't believe it. I kind of thought I wasn't going to get any reads and that I was wasting my time but I published it anyways out of fun. I'm so glad 😊that ppl are actually reading it.  This make me want to continue writing. It give me little hope that my work is paying off.  I know I'm overreacting and it's not that big of deal but this is my first work and I'm honestly proud of myself.

  I know I'm overreacting and it's not that big of deal but this is my first work and I'm honestly proud of myself

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Next chapter is coming soon! (probably on Monday or Tuesday) I should really stick on a day where I update. But thanks again!

Byeeeeee! 💗💗💗

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