Chapter 2- Going In Blind

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   The two had not yet spoken since Steven's last words, instead, they were taking it all in. Letting the reality of the situation sink in. By now, the two had moved to the couch. It gave them a strange feeling of comfort. One stronger than just sitting across from one another at a table. Still, silence. Until, of course, Steven spoke up.
   "We should have a plan... Or at least facts to go forward on."
   "A... plan...?" Krolia raised a brow at his suggestion. "How could we have a plan."
   "All we need are, well, examples to go by. Your knowledge of your species and my knowledge of my own."
   "I suppose that could help, in theory... I'll be kind and let you go first."
   Steven let out a small chuckle, shaking his head as he did so. "Alright, fine. Have it your way." He thought for a brief moment of time. "As a first responder, I have quite an extensive knowledge on all things medical. For humans of course. From conception to birth it's approximately ten months. Give or take a week or two."
   "Ten months?!" Her eyes widened, shocked by the amount of time it all could take. "For Galra it's seven. And even then, most are born many weeks early due to advances in medicine. I can't imagine going through all of that for thee or four extra months"
   "Oh... So that's a problem..." He rubbed the back of his head, trying to think of a solution, yet none ever came. "All I can say is you are most definitely going to hope for the full ten. If the DNA is split half and half, the genes from me will still need all the time they can get."
   Krolia understood that. It wasn't rocket science. "Are there any... Side effects...?"
   "Side effects. Well I wouldn't call 'em side effects. But yes. Things do happen as a result of pregnancy."
   "And they are....?"
   "Oh. Right." Steven gave a little nod before answering her question. "It is different for each person, but sickness and nausea are inevitable. Cravings are also a big part of it. The rest is all reasonable, discomfort, tiredness, mood swings, an' of course you'll gain a few pounds as the fetus grows."
   With every word he said, the Galran's expression became more and more dissatisfied. "I've made a horrible decision...."
   "No, no. Not at all. It's not all that bad. After a few months you can feel them moving." He added with a hint of encouragement in his voice.
   "That sounds awful..." she sighed, disgruntled and displeased with the newfound information. "How..." she passed from only a second, "how long does it take, normally, to... you know..." Krolia moved her hands to her lower abdomen, slowly sliding them down her legs towards her knees.
   "To... what...?" Steven asked, looking at her with utter confusion.
   Instead of asking again, with words, she only continued the same motion with her hands a couple more times.
   Suddenly, it hit him. "Oh! You mean to give birth?" A victorious nod from Krolia prompted him to continue. "It really is dependent on the person and the circumstances. Anywhere from two hours to two days."
   "Please let it be no more than two hours. At least that is a typical time frame for my own species."
   "So we do have something in common!" The human said in an attempt to lighten the mood.
   "Shut up..." She hung her head, letting her forehead rest in her hands, letting out a long, exasperated sigh. "I am not ready for any of this..."
   "Krolia...." he placed a hand on her shoulder, "it would be helpful if you could give some insight on your own species. I know it's a lot to take in, but we will need your side of this if we hope to have any sort of plan."
   "Yeah... Of course..." She lifted her head and looked up to the ceiling, hoping to remember something of her species' biology and way of handling the reproduction process. "The way I figured it out, was by smells. As an ancient act of survival, back when the planets were all at war, expecting females would have heightened senses of smell, in hopes of finding safe, poison-free, blood-free, enemy-free places to stay."
   "That's certainly much more interesting than pain and nausea." Steven commented, now quite interested in what she had to say.
   Krolia nodded in agreement. "However, in recent years, we are prone to aggression during the later months in which we cary the child. Some say it has to do with the thousands of years spent with murderous upbringings." Immediately, she saw the fear growing in her lover's eyes. "I... I'm sorry. It's nothing serious, but it can happen."
   "Then I'll have to be prepared, won't I?"
   She nodded, giving a little smile, "We both will... But!" She exclaimed, realizing an important detail that would help lighten the mood. "Despite our aggressive ways for the past ten thousand years, something that has always been true is the inherent nature of keeping the child safe. In simple terms, it's nesting. It happens at different times for everyone, but at some point, I will be in dire need of setting up a safe and cozy space for our child. And I mean dire need."
   "That's something I can handle." Steven replied comfortingly. "It's similar for humans too. Although not a necessity, it is said to be both calming and reassurin' during stressful times."
   Krolia let out a long sigh, ever so slowly beginning to smile. "I guess this all means I'm going to be a mother..."
   "Yeah. I guess it does."
   She leaned on the man to her left, nuzzling her head into his neck. "I think I can handle all of these messed up hormones and side effects."
   Steven wrapped an arm around her, gently pulling her closer to him. "I'm sure you can... However, we are going to have to play this all by ear, you do know that right?"
   Krolia nodded, "yeah... It's not the best way to do things, but it'll work."

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