Chapter 14- A Test Of Strength

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   "I... I think that is our signal to begin final preparations for the baby."
   "And what does that mean??"
   Steven shot her a glance, looking down at the small collection of water by Krolia's feet. "I think you know exactly what that means."
   "No... You can't be serious.."Krolia slowly shook her head from side to side. "Here...? Now...? At two in the morning?"
   "I don't think I'm ready for this.... I don't know what I'm supposed to do, or where I should be, how I should be sitting... I don't even know when to push."
"You were fine before," he pointed out, "what happened?"
"That was before my water broke! Before I was in labor! I can't actually do this!"
Steven quickly grabbed ahold of her hands, rubbing her knuckles slowly with his thumbs. "It's gonna be alright, Krolia. You're panicking a bit at the moment though, so I'll need you to try an' calm down, but I promise, everything will be fine." He told her reassuringly. "I'll be right by your side through it all."
"Yeah... I'm sorry for panicking.... Thanks for—" she was cut off by an awful surge of pain radiating from her lower back. If it weren't for the wall behind her and Steven immediately holding tightly to her, she would have most definitely lost her balance. The feeling quickly moved to her lower abdomen, causing her to double over, falling into her lover's arms.
Even Steven had to admit this was worrying. All of it was worrying. Not just this sudden pain she felt. He did his best to support the sudden extra weight on his hands while still acting as though everything was normal. "Let's get ya' upstairs, alright?" He suggested, doing his best to stay calm under these new circumstances.
Remembering what she had said earlier, about the high pail levels caused in the first hour alone, and what had just happened, Steven decided it was best to carry her up to their room instead of risking her safety by letting her walk in her current sleep deprived and terrified condition.
"Don't you wanna lie down...?" Steven asked, keeping a gentle hand rested on her back.
"No...!" She snapped, placing one hand on the side of the bed to help herself stand. Krolia was tightly gripping her stomach with the other, making a desperate attempt to calm her nerves.
   This was a completely different feeling to the one she had had for the past nine months or so. Her stomach felt almost solid underneath her hands. The muscles were tightened to provide the best support for her body in this situation. But perhaps the worst part of all, was the complete lack of movement from her child. They were, for the first time in months, absolutely still. The last time she had felt anything from the baby was just moments before the first wave of pain.
   "You're welcome to sit or lie down. Whichever makes you most comfortable."
   "I think I'm just going to stand for the time being."
   Steven nodded, not wanting to force her to do anything. "You'll let me know if anything changes, correct?"
   "Yeah, of course..." she muttered. It was no secret that she was more than a little uncomfortable. Her face was contorted to show her discomfort and pain.  Not to mention, her quiet, yet frequent, groans and whimpers. Krolia moaned loudly, breathing out slowly.
   "Is everything alright...?"
   "No...! Everything hurts...!"
   With her heavy breathing and almost constant complaining, it wasn't long before Steven was helping her to lie down, and thankfully, she began feeling a tiny bit better after alleviating the stress on her legs.
   "Krolia..." Steven's voice was fraught with worry as he continued to rub her back. "I will eventually need to get towels, cloths and water for the end of this process."
"You're not leave me..." she breathed out, clenching her teeth in pain. "You're not going anywhere until you absolutely have to."
"I'm not waiting until—" Steven cut himself off, deciding against arguing with her. "If that's what you want, then that'll be our plan."
A sudden silence fell over the two. Not the best time for a lack of communication.
"Shit this hurts...."
"Krolia...! I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but please watch your cursing. I won't allow the first word they hear to be profanity."
Krolia groaned, forcing herself to sit up despite the pain it caused her. "I'm really not in the mood for a pep talk. I'm giving birth and you have the audacity to—" her hand shot off her abdomen, feeling a horrible rush of throbbing pain move through her uterus. She let a low, agonizing cry escape her lips.
Steven quickly took ahold of the hand which had been resting on her abdomen. "It's contractions, isn't it?"
Krolia barely nodded, the pain slowly faded, until she was left with the uncomfortable pulsing in her back.
"You're doin' good so far." He assured her as he began to rub her back again. "Just a few more hours and we'll see our son or daughter. Isn't that exciting?"
"Mhm...." Was all she responded with.
Steven tried to keep a positive outlook on the situation, but if she was like this within the first fifteen minutes, he didn't want to imagine what it'd be like towards the end of it all.
"Steven..." She mumbled, her teeth tightly clenched together. "I don't think I can do this..."
"Well, this is a horrible time to decide that. You've felt your first 'real' contraction. There's no going back now."
   "I know.... But I'm not ready...."
   "But you are... Just don't think about it too much. Think about the..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. " The reward... Of seeing them for the first time."
"That's the worst advice you have ever given me." Krolia let out a few whimpers, pulling her knees to her chest. A terrible decision. The pain intensified almost immediately, and she had to stretch them out again. "Why is it so painful....? Nothing is even happening....!"
"You're in labor. A lot is happening. Your body is trying to get the fully developed child out into the world."
She shook her head. "That's not what I meant..."
"Let's just focus on the positives, alright?" Steven asked, kissing her hand.
"Sure..." She quietly agreed, taking a deep breath. "Walk me through the human birthing process again.... Please."
With a nod, he began explaining the 'steps' of childbirth for humans as she had asked.
Contrary to what one may think, discussing this topic somehow helped to alleviate a small portion of her pain. If not alleviate, it was a distraction. And that was all that mattered.

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