Chapter 18- Vowels

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Keith lay on his back, sucking on the ear of his stuffed lion. Both of his hands were clasped tightly, yet still weakly, around the mane of the toy. His gaze was fixed on his mother who was finishing up a much needed diaper change.
"That must feel much better, doesn't it?" She asked her son, smiling down at him. "Next time, let Mama know sooner. It's not good for you to be sitting around in that for hours."
The infant stretched out his short legs, closing his eyes as he whined quietly. He quickly pulled his legs back in, towards his chest, opening his eyes to find his mother in his line of sight once again.
   "I'll take that as you agreeing with Mama."
   He smiled, following his mother's movements with his eyes.
   Keith was ten weeks old as of three days ago, making him two and a half months of age. For the last few weeks, Steven had been going to work, leaving Krolia to tend to their son. She didn't mind at all. Every moment she spent with Keith made both her and the boy so very happy.
She loved her son dearly and would do anything to spend time with him. Before Keith was born, Krolia had made a promise to give him all of her love. Nothing would stop her from doing so. It was the easiest thing for her to do, she loved her son with every inch of her body and would always love him. Only a few weeks have gone by since his birth, but she already loves him as though she has known him for years.
In the weeks since Keith was born, his physical and mental capabilities have advanced, not much, but enough for him to have the most basic of motor functions, as well as ways of analyzing, an in some cases, interpreting, his surroundings.
   His eyesight was much better now than it was at birth, but he only ever focused on his parents or his bottle. Nothing else. As well as his sight, his muscles had also improved. His palmer grasp reflexes remained the same, holding onto anything in his hand almost instantly. This was normal for a child of his age. A human child. That's what most of his improvements followed. The human norm. Unless someone did a DNA test, they wouldn't know the boy was part Galra. Let alone only half human.
   "According to human development, you should start vocalizing soon. Isn't that fun?"
   Keith gave an even cuter smile, making tiny coos as he stared happily at Krolia.
   "I don't see how anyone could dislike their children." She stroked her son's arm, giggling as his eyes followed her hand. "You're so precious. You're a perfect little boy." Krolia carefully raised her child into her arms and laid down on her back. Letting Keith rest on her chest, she placed a precautionary hand on his back.
   Her son instantly propped himself up with his elbows, something he was new to, but enjoyed doing very much.
   "You're my little Keith, Mama's little boy."
   The boy slowly lowered himself with shaking arms. He had reached his maximum time for sitting up like that.
   "You're getting better at that every time. You're learning and growing so quickly..." she placed another hand on the back of his neck, gently rubbing his head. Of what hair was on his head, it was soft like silk, so was the rest of him. Krolia made sure to keep the child's skin soft and clean, and used the best, most highly recommend products. At least that's what Steven said they were.
   She liked giving him 'hands on' attention, and there was no denying that he too liked the affection.
   Keith tilted his head up, looking into his mother's eyes with curiosity and joy. He opened his mouth as if to yawn, but instead made a strange sound. One like he was fussing, but a very different mouth shape and much calmer facial features.
   The mother watched him silently, keeping herself from jumping to conclusions.
   A few more times, Keith made the same noise, a cross between a yawn and a whimper.
   "I don't know what you're doing, Keith, but it's super cute."
   The boy took a break from making his noises, again, propping himself up with his elbows, this time, with his mother's help.
   Once she was sure he was balanced, she loosened her touch on his arms. "You may proceed with your noise making."
   Keith kept his eyes on his mother as he tried once more to make the sound. With much effort, he made a small noise, one different from before. "Aaahhh...!"
   Krolia instantly focused on the boy. "What was that?"
   He hit his mark. He did it. Keith had achieved his goal. "Aaaaahhh...!" Copying his previous sound, he vocalized his second of many vowel sounds.
   "Look at you...! Learning your basic sounds all by yourself...!" She praised her son profusely, showing her excitement in her facial expression and voice. "Good job, Keith. You're learning so well! And without Mama's help too."
   The infant smiled, repeating the noise a few more times, much quieter, but loud and clear enough for praise.
   "You remember how to do that for when Daddy gets home, alright?"
   Keith smiled adorably, cooing at his mother's excitement as he relaxed his arms, lying down in a prone position atop her chest. He loved when she smiled, and when his father did too. It made Keith happy to see them happy, because if they were happy, then things had to be okay. And if things were okay, Keith could rest easy and not fret about an unknown incident.
   "Daddy will be proud of your achievements today. Don't forget how to do it."
   Her words meant nothing to him, but he felt the need to vocalize again. "Aaaahhhaaaahh...!"
   "Yep. That's the noise." Gently rubbing the back of his hand, Krolia let out a calm sigh, not only proud of her son's development, but in love with it too. He wasn't just an infant. He was her two and a half month old son who could hold his head up without support, sit up on his elbows from a face down position, as well as move from his tummy to his back all by himself. Such small milestone they were, but such huge steps forward for not only the boy, but his parents as well. All of this meant so much to them... Keith meant so much to them.

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