Chapter 4- Need For Support

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    Steven had been at the station all day, leaving Krolia alone and bored. She occupied herself by checking on the logs and radios out in the shed. This task, however, only got you so far. After a while, it becomes tedious and boring.
   For the past hour, she had lay on the couch, looking up at the ceiling and letting her mind wander. Krolia didn't like being alone in the house. She despised it, now more than ever. With that being said, she still kept a smile and happy demeanor before Steven had to leave for work. Otherwise, he would feel guilty and stay home, something they both knew wasn't the best idea ever.
   Even with all of this, the best part of their day was in the evening, around six o'clock, when Steven would finally come home.
   Krolia now found herself looking to the clock every few minutes to see what time it is and how much more of the empty house she had to endure.
   At times like these—being by herself in a quiet environment— she found herself feeling her stomach with a gentle hand, running her fingers over the hardly noticeable bump. It was calming and relaxing, and she liked it. By now, she was almost completely used to it being there, though she could not imagine it getting any bigger. That worried her. The fact that this wouldn't stay that small forever, that eventually, it would be impossible not to see. It was the only thing about becoming a mother that worried her.
   But, for now, she had the enjoyment of the little 'baby bump'.
   The sound of keys clicking in the lock prompted Krolia to sit up instantly. Steven barely had time step inside before he was greeted by a rather energetic Krolia. She was acting like a child, one awaiting some sort of candy or reward for doing a simple task.
   "Did you get it?!" She asked, practically jumping up and down.
   "Yes, Love, I got it. But why do you want a calendar...?"
   "You'll see." Krolia smiled, planting a kiss on Steven's forehead before rushing off to the kitchen, gift in hand.
   She grabbed a marker from one of the drawers and took a seat at the counter.
   "You know..." steven began, "we're almost completely done with February already, if you wanted one, why'd ya' wait so long to ask?"
   "You'll see..." she repeated, examining the calendar, marker in hand.
   Steven watched curiously as she went through all of the months, pausing, then flipping back to the beginning before quickly flipped back to the same one on which she had first paused.
   "February is the second month in your year, right?" Krolia asked, placing a finger down to mark her spot before flipping back to the beginning.
   "Yeah... It's February 26th today."
   "Great!" She quickly flipped back to where she was, scribbled something down on the page and triumphantly closed the calendar.
   "What did you just do...?"
   "Something very important."
   Steven couldn't take the secrecy much longer, and with her permission, he picked up the booklet, looking through the pages, searching for what she had written.
   He had gone through each month, January, nothing. February, nothing. March, nothing. April, nothing. May, nothing. June, nothing. All of the pages were blank, if of course, you don't count the dates and weeks printed in the calendar.
   Steven was about to ask what she had done, doubting if she had written anything in the first place, when something caught his eye.
   On the fourth week of the tenth month, he found what she had written. A tiny scribble of what appeared to be a balloon and—maybe—a bottle or some sort of cup. His eyes drifted to the top left corner of the specific date's designated box and read it aloud. "October twenty third..."
   Krolia simply nodded.
   "And what, fair maiden, is so special about the twenty thirty of October?"
   "It's my due date." She gave her answer with pride and joy. "Calculated it myself."
   "But that's nearly ten months from now.... I thought you said your species only carried the child for six or seven months."
   "I know... But I have a feeling that, because of him or her being part human, the timeframe will be that of a human pregnancy. Not Galran."
   Steven smiled with great joy, looking from Krolia to the marked date and back to her again. "So, how far along are you? Since I know you didn't find out, let alone tell me, on day one."
   Krolia slowly took the calendar back, flipping to the first two pages. "Assuming my presumptions on when it all started are correct, I am approximately five and a half weeks in."
   "So... Just over one month?"
   Steven smiled even more. He more or less so already knew of the time frame, but hearing it set in stone made him so very happy. "That's pretty exciting."
   "I know!" Krolia practically shrieked in excitement and jumped off of the counter stool before regaining her calm composure. "I know..."
   "I don't believe I've seen you this happy... ever."
   "Oh... I guess I'm a little excited."
   Steven let out a small chuckle, "a little?" He asked in disbelief. "You asked me to buy you a calendar for the sole purpose of marking your supposed due date."
   "Supposed...? No. That's spot on."
   "Honey, those aren't always correct. They're hardly ever corrected."
   "A Galra's due date is never wrong." She told him, "no matter what. It doesn't matter if the child is full Galra or half Galra. The dates are exact."
   Steven crossed his arms, not believing what she had told him.
   "You think I'm joking don't you?"
   "Absolutely. There's no way your species could be that precise about when the expecting mother will go into labor."
   "Have it your way." She said, grabbing the calendar, "but you owe me an apology when I'm right." She grabbed a pin from a small box on the counter and proceeded to hang the calendar on the cork board next to the fridge.
   "And if I'm right?" He playfully challenged.
   "You get the satisfaction, but nothing other than that. Especially not if it starts early."
   "Then it's a deal." Steven picked up the marker from where Krolia had left it and proceeded to write in the small space near the scribbles.
   "What are you writing...?" Krolia asked in curiosity.
   "Just writin' it in words. You can't read English, but I can."
   "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" She asked, whacking Steven on the side of his head.
   "Exactly what it sounds like." He answered, rubbing his head. "And why'd you hit me?"
   "Because you're mean. Teasing me like this. You should be ashamed." She crossed her arms and proceeded to pout like a child. "You better apologize to both of us immediately, or I'll whack you again."
   "Both of you...?"
   "Yes. Both of us."
   With a sigh, he began his apologies. "I'm sorry, Krolia. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. And I'm sorry, son or daughter for offending your mother."
   "See. That wasn't all that hard."
   "No, but I definitely am going to have to teach you to read and write."
"Why...? I know my own language. I can most definitely get by with that."
"And when the child begins to read, ask for bedtime stories, and write the alphabet, you're telling me you'll just refuse to help?"
"How are you going to teach me to read and write? It'll take months."
Steven shrugged, "then I guess it's a good thing we have that time."

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