Thanks for coming

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I reached the office next day and just checked on everything once again.It was good.I got ready wearing a black dress.It was 6 in the evening and the guests had started to come in.I saw my boss coming upto me.

'Listen you not so little clown,I want everything to be perfect and if not,you better a find a new place to work' He said and went.

This guy sucked,completely.He was beyond my endurance but still for the love of my job I tolerated him.

'Clown? I look good,Idiot' I said to myself.

But then I hoped everything should go alright.

'Where is Virat?' Sam came rushing towards me.

'I don't know.He'll come' I said.

'It's 7:30 already' He shouted.

'He is a busy person,okay.If he has promised he'll not break it' I clamoured.

'He's a superstar.These guys know how to break promises' He said in a very cold voice.

'Shut up Sam.He's not like any ordinary superstar.He'll come I know' I said trying to console myself.

'Your job is at stake and it wouldn't affect him' He said going away.

But deep inside I knew that he would come.He was a nice guy.

It was 8:30 and my boss rushed to me.

'Where is your cricketer?' He asked basically screamed.

'He must have been stuck somewhere,Sir' I said.

'So,I guess he's not coming and you are going' He said.

'Going? Where?' I asked totally perplexed.

'Anyplace just not my office' He said.

Shit.I was going to lose my job.No way.

'Sir,I am really sorry.Please don't expel me.Pleaseeee' I said hoping he would get it.

He was about to speak as people rushed towards in one direction.We followed and it was Virat entering the office.I took a sigh of relief.He came,I knew it.Boss hurried to him and greated him.The party was going to get over in half an hour or so.Mr.Kapoor was happy.

I was standing alone and Chirag came.

'Congrats' He said.

'For what?' I asked.

'On getting your job back again' He said.

'I swear,that guy's a monster' I said.

'Btw you look good' He said with a smile.

'Thanks' I responded.

The party got over and I heard nothing from Virat.Maybe he was busy.I went to my room and collected my stuff.

'You gave me such a scare today.I could've lose my job but I knew you would come,come for me.But why were you so late? Tell me? I will understand,promise.You know everything is good but sometimes you need to answer me' I said to Virat's poster literally sticking my face onto it.

'Okay Virat,enough.Answer me' I said as if the poster would come alive and he would respond.

'I had a meeting with the coach' A voice knocked.

'OMG! Did you really answered me Virat?' I said all panicky believing the poster spoke.

'It's me here' Same voice struck from behind.

'Sorry I was late' He further added.

It was Virat.He had listened to all what I just said.Fuck.What would he be thinking?

'It's okay' I muttered.

'No,I made a commitment and I should've hold onto it'. He said coming forward.

'You did,you came' I said with a subtle smile.

'Aren't you angry at me?' He asked.

'I have more people to get angry at' I said.

He laughed.

'Your boss is shit crazy girl' He said.

'Ya,I swear' I replied.

He sat on one of the chair.

'So why didn't you informed me that you are gonna be late?' I said hesitately.

'I didn't have any source and your office landline was not working,I guess' He said.

I checked the phone and it was dead.Things suck together at time.

'Yea' I said and started packed my stuff and was ready to leave.

'Okay then I should leave now' He said.

'Okay' I smiled.

'Thanks for coming Virat' I said.

'Anytime' He said.

We came to the basement together and then he left in his alluring Audi and I took my Honda City.I was happy.Everything fell into places at last.My belief in Virat got more stronger.I liked him more as a person now.Wonder what he must be thinking about me or would he be thinking about me too? I just wished we meet again,for once,twice,thrice,everytime.

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