Strawberries and Cupcakes.

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Jennie Kim

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. I checked the time and it's 7:00 AM. 5 more minutes, I said to myself.

Not even a minute after, my phone rang. I lazily picked it up looked at the Caller ID, 'Kim Jisoo' then answered.

"JENNIE!" She screamed from the other line and I thought I went deaf for a second.

"Don't you think you should be a little formal than that, Miss Secretary? Besides, I'm sleeping and you greet me with a scream from a horror movie." I said in a teasing way. We talk like this in private when we don't have to be formal, we've been friends since high school, after all.

"Jennie! You have to come to the company right now! We have great news!" She said excitedly, almost out of breath.

"This better be worth sacrifing my sleep for." Seriously, I need more sleep!

"Oh, it is. I'll be going now, Miss Kim Jennie." She said, emphasizing my name, she does that when she's serious. I wonder what it is, though.

After the call with Jisoo, I got out of bed and got ready as usual. I wore simple clothes since I was only going to the company. Black jeans, plain Gucci shirt, denim jacket, white Gucci shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror and gave a smile as a sign of approval and went on my way to the company.

I'm currently at my office with Jisoo and she's basically rolling on the floor because of excitement, why? Apparently, Nike and Louis Vuitton decided to collaborate and wanted me to model for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they wanted me to model for them but I already modeled for them before, so I don't know why Jisoo is this excited. I just looked at her with a confused look.

"You don't get it, Jennie. You'll be modeling their latest line and you'll be working with the best of the best people in this industry." I don't know who's 'the best of the best people in this industry' since I'm pretty sure I already worked with the best, but we'll see.

We talked with Nike and Louis Vuitton and we sealed the deal. They've already set a meeting between me and the photographer, we'll be meeting in private because the company thought it'd be a good idea to talk by ourselves. I've worked with a lot of photographers. They're cool, others try to flirt but no one has ever catched my attention. I flirt back too and I always win at the end.

I know my charms, I know no one can deny them. I only flirt when I'm bored though, but I don't take them seriously.

I'm curious who this photographer will be. I mean, Jisoo said I'll be working with 'the best of the best'. A new playmate, perfect. I haven't got time to use my charms lately, I'll try it on whoever that person is.

I'm not bad, if that's what you're thinking. In this industry, that's normal.

-fast forward-

I'm at the bar that's supposed to be our meeting place. I've been here for almost an hour and there's no sign of the photographer, that's not a good way to make a good first impression. But come to think of it, I don't even know what the photographer looks like.

All I know is she's someone named Roseanne Park, seems familiar, maybe because she's in the fashion industry but I'm pretty sure I haven't worked with her before.

I decided to go to get a drink at the counter, while waiting for my drink, I noticed someone beside me who looks like she can't even stand on her own, and she's alone.

"Miss?" I asked. No answer. Great, just great. Let me tell you something, I'm a lot of things, but I'm not one to leave someone alone at a bar where something might happen to her.

"Miss?" I asked once again but this time, I tapped her shoulder.

Without second thoughts, I wrapped her arm around my shoulder, put my hand on her waist and helped her stand up.
I guided her to my car and put her on the back seat and made my way to the front and drove to my condominium.

Getting her out of the car was easy since she was so drunk, she didn't get to complain. We're now at my room and I just settled her on my bed, I opened the lights to look at the person clearly since I haven't really seen her face.

She's beautiful, I can tell you that. But she's beautiful in a normal way, I don't see anything special about her. But maybe because she's drunk. There's something tempting about her lips though. There's something telling me to kiss it, to taste the flavor underneath those plump lips. I went for it, I savored her lips. Mmm,

strawberries and cupcakes.

She tastes exactly like a mix of strawberries and cupcakes, something I have tasted from someone else's lips before, someone I loved dearly, someone I still want. Our lips were in sync, but she pulled back and said a small "No". I tried to kiss her again but she moved her head, so I just got off the bed. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a rapist.

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