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6 months.

It had been 6 months since I last saw Park Rosé, and I'm about to see her again tonight, that is, if she decides to show up. The collaboration is still going to happen despite it being pushed back countless times, and it's starting tomorrow. Tonight, they're throwing a small gathering of casts, "so everyone could get comfortable with each other". I scoffed, yeah, as if professionalism can help our situation. Park Rosé had been sending me letters after what happened, but I never opened them, if she wants to play, then she's got herself an enemy. Of course, I miss her, I miss her kisses, her cute giggles, her smile, her jokes, her. How I wish we were still together, but she's different now, and I have to cope with that if I want to win this game.

I'm taking Im Nayeon with me as my date, we've been together for a 4 months, there was nothing special though, we were more like fuck buddies. "How do I look, babe?" I asked Nayeon as I turned around to face her, flaunting my assets. She looked at me with such desire in her eyes and that was all the approval I needed. "Okay, I'm all set, let's go?" Nayeon nodded and complimented me. Nayeon and I, we met when I was at a little gay bar, drinking myself to death, she talked to me, showed me sympathy, and I was desperate, desperate for touch, for love, for everything. But I know she wants more, more than just little fucks, more than just what we're doing, but I don't, I can't. Park Rosé was the only girl I would settle down with, was. I always made sure Nayeon understood that, I don't want another broken heart.

Arriving at the place, we held hands, smiling at the blinding lights the cameras produced. Entering the place, the director of the shoot greeted us. We chatted for a while then he had to leave. We continued to talk to the people, but one person taking photos caught my eye. I went over to her and posed for her, she stopped to look at me, I urged her to take a photo, and she did, pushing the shutter button. Once she was done, she stood tall and looked at me for a second. "What do you want, Jennie?" She asked as she reviewed the photos she took. "Rosé, where is she?" Lisa's eyes shot right up to look at me, disbelief written in her face. "Why do you care?" We stared at each other in an intense manner. "Don't talk to me like that, I'm not the one who called it quits." Lisa looked at me and scoffed, not believing the fact that the words came from me. She looked at me and sighed, "Read the letters, Jennie." Then she left. I disregarded what she said, I'm never reading those. I went to our table and sat down, the program is about to start.

"I'm not going to do a speech today, we're all here to have fun. I just wanted to ask if everyone brought their masks, because we're about to start the masquerade ball!" The director, Kwon Ji-yong shouted which the people reciprocated with excitement. "Then wear them and get the party started!". Nayeon looked at me, "Isn't this a bit dumb? I mean, we already saw everyone's dresses, it's not that hard to tell who's who now." She said while laughing, I laughed with her then spoke, "Well, if you were as prepared as me, you would bring a separate dress." I winked at her as I stood up, making my way towards the bathroom.

After I was satisfied with my dress, I walked outside, just in time for the dance. "Okay everyone, grab a random stranger and dance!" Someone immediately grabbed me, the song was fun so we danced the way we wanted to, a mess. We both had goofy moves and it just cracked us up. I had fun, I felt free, like a juvenile in a club, would've been perfect if Park Rosé were here with me. Speaking of the devil, where is she? Where is the woman I had prepared to amaze? Not that I want her back, I do but I accepted the fact that I shouldn't. I want her to realize what she had lost.

After the song, we bowed to each other and danced with other, this happened for a whole hour. Once that was done, others went to their tables to rest a bit while some went to get food. "Well that was fun! Recharge yourselves and get ready for the second dance." Kwon Ji-yong yelled, does he never get tired? I have no plans on going there anymore, I just want to go home and sleep. "You know you have to dance, babe." I heard Nayeon spoke beside me. "But I don't want to, I'm so tired!" I said whining. She laughed at me and removed my mask, kissing me. We kissed until we ran out of air, she looked at me in the eyes. "I just want you to make love to me right now." I smiled at her and turned my attention to the people dancing. I felt guilty, Nayeon cannot fall in love with me, she can't, she shouldn't.

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