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The meeting is starting and Jennie Kim is nowhere to be found.

It's almost 1 PM and a lot of people are already here, I could spot a few familiar faces, maybe the ones I have worked with before.

Various people talked to me, different faces, different voices, different motives. I only nodded, though. Not even bothering to give them a smile.

I'm always told that I have this charming aura that lures people, even without trying. They say it's a shame I don't use it, because I could be the most charming if I do so. I either shrug or smile at them. I don't bother using whatever that charm is because I don't want people's attention, that's a model's job, not a photographer's.

I may be the best and prominent photographer there is, but I am still just a photographer.

"Okay, everyone. We're starting the meeting." A feminine voice said, I guess she's the one in charge, she's cute but not someone who commands attention.

A few words and chit-chats were said. Now, we have to introduce ourselves so we could "get to know" each other. Oh, what bullshit. Everyone either secretly wants to kill or to fuck each other.

Talking about secretly wanting to fuck or kill. This girl across me has been looking at me so much these past few minutes, other would think it's bothering but I don't mind. People look at me like that all the time, unlike others, though, I know how to tell if someone wants to kill or fuck me. In this case, this woman wants the latter.

"Kang Seulgi!" The woman earlier said and the girl in front of me stood up and went to the front to do her little introduction.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Kang Seulgi and I am one of the models for this collaboration. I hope this would not just become a successful project, but also something that will bond us all together, even if it ends. Thank you and nice to meet you all!" She said, looking at me at certain times. She got off the small platform and made her way to her seat across mine. She's still looking at me. She's good-looking, yes. Cute? Yes. Someone who commands my attention? No.

"Thank you for that. Next up, we have our main model, Jennie Kim!" The woman said, but no one stood up. The whole room was quiet, actually. Then a few seconds later, chatters and whispers spread across the room. Considering the fact that she's the main model, she's basically the star, everyone wants to see her.

"Hello? Jennie Kim?" The woman said again. The whole room went quiet again.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a petite figure with amazing fashion. She wore a white Supreme shirt tucked in army green loose pants with Vetements heels.

"Here." She announced, commanding the attention of the whole room. Ah, typical Jennie Kim; always the center of attraction.

Her eyes scanned the room, looking for something, or someone. Once she found my eyes, we locked gazes. She looked away, hiding the smile forming on her sweet lips. She made her way to the platform and spoke into the microphone,

"Okay. First off, I want to start by saying I am so sorry for being late." She stated and giggled a bit, making the people around me stare in awe.

"Now, to start a proper introduction. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Jennie Kim. I am not quite sure but I'm the main model, according to my secretary. I am sure this will become a successful project since I heard, you're all the best of the best. I just hope that's not all talks and rumours. Cheers, everyone! Let's all have fun!" It was a small introduction but it sent the people into loud cheering. It's like they're just a crowd instead of the best people in the industry. Pathetic. I clapped, though.

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