Chapter Two

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Thanks so much for joining me on chapter two on my cringe fanfiction! Enjoy! :)

Third person POV

That morning, Iida and Izuku walked to school together like they had been the past few days. Its been a week and one day, and Uraraka wasn't awake yet. 

Usually the boys would try to talk about a topic other than Uraraka, mostly because it was really depressing. But today Deku started the conversation with, 

"I miss her so much." 

Iida nodded. "I agree. Although it was probably her fault for not being careful when training, I still miss her as well. The probability or her not waking up is very low, so dont worry too much Midoriya."

"Yeah, I guess your right." 

Once they arrived to class, Aizawa told them they weren't going to do much training/hero work until Uraraka woke up. 

~Time Skip~ 

At the end of the day, Izuku went to Recovery Girl's office to check on Ochaco. But as he walked in, she was gone. 

The cot was empty, and showed no sign of her. Where could she have gone?  Izuku started to worry and panic. Had the league of villains somehow taken her? Recovery Girl wouldn't be able to fight, with Uraraka in that state she wouldn't be able to ether ... but if that did happen how did they get in?

His thoughts were interrupted by Recovery Girl's voice. 

"Come on Uraraka. You need to walk."

Deku was confused and walked around the corner to see Uraraka holding Recovery Girl while walking weakly and slowly. He stood in complete shock. She had finally woken up. 

Uraraka turned around to see Deku standing there. She smiled lightly, used all her energy to run to him, and hug him. 

"No running yet!" Recovery Girl screamed at Ochaco. 

Deku was still so shocked to see Uraraka not laying in the bed. But happiness and relief then filled him and he hugged her back. 

"Uraraka, you- your okay!" 

She nodded and smiled. Then she pulled out of the hug. But Deku wished it could have been longer. 

"She still cant talk very well, and she's regaining energy. Other than that she's okay. I will keep her until she walk and talk normally."

Ochaco was just looking down, and blushing a little. 

"How long will that be?"

"A few days I think." Recovery Girl told him. 

He nodded. He was so happy Uraraka was awake. He felt weightless though she never touched him. He wanted to hug her again, but he told himself it would be too much. He didn't want Uraraka to get the wrong idea. 

The old lady walked next to Ochaco and helped her walk. 

"One step at a time." 

It was painful to watch Uraraka struggle, as she walked weakly. 

"Can I help?" Deku asked. 

Recovery Girl smiled. "The essence of a hero." Deku nodded. "Go ahead. But be careful."


He stepped towards her. She grabbed his strong arms leaning on him, putting some of her weight onto Deku so it was easier for her to walk. Deku blushed faintly. But he wasn't dealing with his feelings right now, he needed to be happy that Ochaco was finally okay. 

~Time Skip~

By the end of the day, Ochaco was walking by herself slowly. 

Deku smiled. "Good job Uraraka!"

She blushed and nodded. Still too hard for her to talk. 

"Its getting late, but  I will visit again tomorrow." Midoriya said, while walking out of the door. 

"Thank you. Goodbye." Recovery Girl said as he walked off. 

"Yah know Ochaco, that man was here everyday you were sleeping? Hoping you would wake up?"

Uraraka blushed and shook he head. She didn't know he visited her everyday. Thats so sweet of him. She thought. 

"Okay, time you get some rest." Recovery Girl told her. 

Uraraka nodded, and got into the cot and fell asleep easily. As she was very tried from her walking sessions. 

As for Izuku on the other hand, he was still having trouble sleeping even though Uraraka was awake, and even walking slowly. 

Maybe it was that it was too good to be true that she was awake. I wasn't dreaming right? Maybe I was . . . No theres no way. She's fine Izuku stop worrying!

About an hour later, he finally fell asleep. He couldn't wait until Uraraka could walk to school with him again. 

~Time Skip~ 

Izuku POV (Finally not third person hahah)

I told the class that Uraraka had woken up, and the entire class rushed to visit her. When Uraraka and Recovery Girl heard a stamped of Uraraka's classmates running down the halls they stopped. 

Mina was the first to walk in, and she ran to Uraraka and hugged her. The rest of the girls shouted and squealed with happiness as they hugged her. 

Bakugou came inside saying, "Bout time you woke up."

He was followed by the rest of the boys. Kirishima was second the walk in after Bakugou. 

"Oh Uraraka, your awake finally," Kirishima said. 

She smiled at him, and gave him a short hug. 

During the hug, I felt like I was shot by the worlds strong gun, and the most painful bullet. She's hugging Kirishima. She's hugging Kirishima. Even if it was short, she couldn't go hugging other guys. She was . . .  mine. 

Ugh Izuku, she doesn't like you, so she can hug whoever she wants. She's not yours. And you just have to resist the urge to punch the guys that embrace her. (hahahhaha poor izuku)

After catching up, everyone eventually left, until Deku was the last one. 

"Thanks . . . for coming." She said weakly. 

Deku was surprised she was talking. 

"You . . . can talk?" He asked. 

"I saved what little words I could speak just for you Deku . . ." She said hoarsely. 

Deku blushed hard, and warmth filled his heart. She smiled, and it made his knees weak. She has such a pretty smile, no stop! 

Uraraka POV

Omg! Why did I say that! Now he's going to know I like him . . . Ah whats the point. He'd never settle for someone like me. 

Just resist the urge to kiss him. . . 

Izuku POV

Just resist the urge to kiss her . . .

Thanks for reading! I know its painful cuz one of em needs to confess! but not yet, I have other plans... hehe

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