Chapter Twenty :Change of Plans

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Uraraka POV

"I just wanted to . . . clarify. Something." He cleared his throat. And looked down for a second before looking back up at me.

"What is there to clarify?" I asked nervously for some odd reason, but I the only that I have to hide is the relationship. 

"Are you and Midoriya dating?" He asked. "Because almost the whole class thinks so, but I don't want to live off the rumors. So is it true?" He wondered aloud. 

I cant lie . . . can I? Gosh darn it! I need to say something!!!  Before he takes my silence as an answer. "Um. . . its complicated." I said. 

Todoroki looked confused. "But the answer is just yes or no." 

"Yeah, I know but . . . I --" I paused. "I actually have to go .  .  . so um. I'll cya sometime. Cause tomorrow's Saturday . . . so uh. . . bye!" I waved him off and went back to the dorms, went back might be a little light for the term, I ran to the dorms. 

Wow. That played out wonderfully didn't it? I sighed. The only thing keeping me from dying completely was that tomorrow Izuku would be taking me on a date! At 11:00 am, bike riding! Ah . . . its going to be so fun. I hugged my pillow tightly. 

I wonder if we are going to be able to sneak out without anyone noticing though . . . or maybe he would tell me tomorrow that he was okay with people knowing . . . Todoroki said the whole class basically knew anyway. 

Well, I shook away those thoughts and just tried to close my eyes and lay down. Everything is going to work out, just perfectly fine . . .

~The Next Morning~ 

I rolled over on my side to see my clock on my nightstand. 8:00 am. That meant I had three hours before our date. I sat up and removed the blankets from myself and put my slippers on, that were sitting right next to my bed. (I always wear slippers around the house lol) I wandered into the bathroom to freshen up. After a shower, brushing my teeth, and hair, washing my face and hands I was ready to attack this day! Maybe not attack Ochaco . . . that sounds non-hero like. Heh. 

I opened the closed doors and wondered what I should wear. "Probably not a skirt or dress, were going to be bike riding after all." I mumbled to myself. "Jeans or leggings? .  . .Or shorts? Nah. Not shorts, I don't wanna shave . . . and its kinda cold. What to wear. . . hm. The decisions I have to make." I laughed at my own sarcasm. 

Well, it could only be settled through a game of eenie meenie miney moe. 

"And . . . you. . . .are . . .not. . . .it!" I pointed to the jeans. "Leggings it is." 

I paired it with one of my favorite gray soft shirts. So comfy. I held the sleeves up to my face, wonderful. I smiled. 

I looked over at my clock. And it was 8:54 am. Oh wow. I have a lot of time yet. 

I plopped on my bed. What should I do in the mean time? I looked around my dorm room and decided I would organize my closet. It was about time after all. I opened the doors. 

"First of all I need to hang the shirts that will wrinkle . . ." 

And before I knew it 11:00 am was rolling around. 10:52 am. I'm so excited! I wonder which park were going to! I just picture Izuku and I riding through the park trails together. "Wah! Get it together Ochaco. Stop being weird." But I still smiled happily. 

And then, a knock a few times was heard on my door. I took a deep breath and smiled because I couldn't control my excitement. But it wasn't Izuku. It was Kirishima. 

"Kirishima? What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"It's Kaminari. Come on everyone's already downstairs." Then he ran off. I just stood with the door still opened, extremely confused on what was happening. After a bit of standing, I closed my dorm door and took the elevator down. What did he mean by 'its Kaminari'? Was he okay?

Once the elevator reached the ground floor, I found everyone, as in the whole class from what I could tell, surrounding a couch in the common area. I couldn't see what was happening because everyone was blocking the view. 

"Whats happening?" I asked Mina. "When did everyone get down here?"

She shook her head. "If I knew I would tell yah girl." She stood on her toes. "I can't see a thing!" 

I shoved and pushed my way through the people until I gasped. I saw Kaminari laying on the couch with Iida, Kirishima and a few others asking him questions. He looked . . . sick and  . . . exhausted. 

"What happened?" I asked again. 

Iida turned around. "We just found him here. On the couch and he can't move very well." He sighed. "None of us know what happened." 

After a pause of me looking at Kaminari's pale face and shaking hands, I realized: "We need to get him to a doctor!" I shouted at them. Wasn't that obvious? "He's sick or something --something's wrong, he should see a doctor--" Iida cut me off. 

"Yes but he can't move. We can't bring him there." Iida said. 

"Thats what's stopping you? Just pick him up!" I shouted again. "It cant be that hard, I'll make him weightless if you need--" 

"Uraraka. May I interrupt?" Todoroki asked. 

I didn't really have an option but to say yes.  "Sure.  . . Go ahead." I said. 

"If we move him too much we could risk more damage. We dont know if he was paralyzed somehow , or anything. So we need more information before we do something we will regret." 

P a r a l y z e d ?

But how were they all so calm? "Should we get Aizawa?" I asked them. 

"He's on the way." Kirirshima told me. 

"Kaminari tell me anything . . ." Iida sighed. "What happened yesterday?" Iida asked it over and over until Kaminari finally opened his mouth. But all that was heard were gasps, as if he were trying to speak, but his body just wouldn't let him. 

I couldn't watch it anymore. I walked back out of the crowd. I was almost through until someone grabbed my hand. "Ochaco." It was Deku. "Don't worry okay?" He said and showed me a smile. But it didn't help much. I just nodded and pushed through the last people and towards the elevators. I didn't take the elevator though. I took the stairs. 

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